
iO Academy

Average Rating5.0
103 Reviews
4 Courses

iO Academy is a coding bootcamp based in the UK that offers a 16-week, full-time, full stack coding bootcamp and a 12-week, part-time data science & machine learning bootcamp. These bootcamps are available online or in-person at campuses in Bath, Bristol, and Sheffield. Class sizes at iO Academy are kept small in order to better support students. The curriculum is designed to prepare students for their first developer or data science role, with a focus on practical experience working on projects throughout the course. There is an option to specialize at the end of the full stack course, either in advanced front end or complex problem-solving. Students will learn from experienced tech professionals, chosen to reflect the size of an average software scrum team. This makes project work as close to a professional tech experience as possible. 

The course was developed by healthtech company Mayden to be up-to-date with a focus on best practice and to reflect what is most needed in the tech industry. Students will receive industry-recognised Agile training and attain their Agile Professional Certification. No coding experience is required to apply. iO Academy has a goal of supporting diversity in tech and is positive about mental health.

iO Academy was formerly known as Mayden Academy.

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103 iO Academy Reviews

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  • Melody Sylvestre
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full Stack Track • Bath
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Nov 09, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    The best place to start your new career as a software engineer!

    I really enjoyed my time at iO Academy. I chose this bootcamp mostly because it seemed to me that they proposed the most complete curriculum and they did not disappoint! It was a very intense learning experience, but it is delivered in the best conditions: 
    • small cohorts (up to 8 students) so it is always possible to ask questions and interact with the trainers
    • amazing trainers, always available and supportive 
    • carefully crafted curriculum, it really felt ...
  • Henry Percy
    Junior Software Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Track • Bath
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Nov 06, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Excellent Career Start

    One year out from completing iO Academy’s Full Stack Track, and 10 months into a job, I feel like I'm now in a good position to reflect on how the course helped shaped the start of my career in Software Development.
    I applied to join iO Academy with very little programming experience—mostly from my spare time and a bit from university—looking to gain enough skills to break into the industry. The interview process was friendly but thorough, which meant I joined feeling conf...
  • Robin Hodge
    Software Developer • Student • Bristol
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    May 16, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Life changing course

    It took me about 2 years of planning to finally commit to making my career change into development, and after considerable research I desided to choose iO Academy. I have to say, it is without doubt the best educational experience I have ever had. The quality of teaching I recieved from my award winning trainer Rayna was incredible - she took real care with us as a class, and created a safe environment where I felt able to ask questions. We were a very eclectic mix of students, and she h...
  • Chris Walton
    Chris Walton
    Software Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Track • Bath
    Verified by GitHub
    Jan 17, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    A Perfect Introduction

    I came in to the Academy with practically no experience and unsure if I was going to have the aptitude to be able to pursue software development as a career. I chose Io due to the syllabus, the stats for previous graduates attaining a career and the length. I was not disappointed at all. 
    Throughout the course, I felt supported by the trainer in the parts I found difficult and encouraged with those that I found simple. We were encouraged to work together as much as we were to work on ...
  • Phone Naing
    Phone Naing
    Junior Software Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Track • Bath
    Verified by GitHub
    Jan 14, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    An Unforgettable Life Changing Experience

    I had already been trying to learn programming in my spare time for about 6 months prior to starting the Bootcamp with iOAcademy. About halfway through I realised that I really enjoyed it and wanted to become a professional software developer. I spoke with a few colleagues at work who were developers and some of them were iOAcademy graduates. They highly recommended the Fullstack Track. I applied, got accepted on one of the in-person bootcamps and haven't regretted that decision for a si...
  • Gabriel
    Junior Software Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Track • Bath
    Verified by GitHub
    Oct 21, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Great way to career change into tech

    I would definitely recommend iO academy as a way to transition into a career in development. The small class sizes means you get lots of personalised support and the curriculum exposes you to a good range of front-end and back-end development. Doing projects as part of the course allows you to build up a portfolio that you can then show to potential employers. The job support at iO is really good. I got a lot of individual advise on my CV, cover letters and applying in general which help...
  • Luke G
    Luke G
    Graduate Software Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Track • Bath
    Verified by GitHub
    May 22, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Amazing experience

    When I quit my job to attend iO Academy, it felt like a huge, scary gamble. On reflection, I had nothing to worry about! By the end of the first week, not only had I learned a lot, I was confident that I was completing a well thought out and comprehensive syllabus.

    Before starting the Full Stack Track, I presumed that if I wanted to graduate and get a job, I would have to learn everything there was to know about coding. The reality is that software development is an ever-expanding...
  • Grace Palacz
    Junior Frontend Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Track • Bath
    Verified by LinkedIn
    May 19, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Life changing decision!

    Don't hesitate to apply for the Full Stack Track course at iO Academy! It really was a life changing 16 weeks for me. 

    I was a successful graphic designer for mainly food and drink packaging for 6 years prior to starting the course. I loved design and I always will have an appreciation for it but I was starting to think that something I decided on doing at age 17 (more than 10 years ago without giving away my age ;) ) wasn't necessarily what I wanted to do for the rest of my caree...
  • Maxwell Newton
    Software Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Track • Bath
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    May 19, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Full Stack Track

    I've broken my review down into four parts below which represent my journey through the academy. Before I dive into that please allow me to provide some background. I left a successful 10 year career to attend the 'Full Stack Track' which commenced in Jan 2022. My trainer was Rayna. 

    Why I chose iO Academy
    I relocated to attend the course and therefore bootcamp options across the country were open to me. My finalists were:
    • Makers Academy in London
    • Nology ...
  • Charlotte
    Junior Frontend Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Track • Bath
    Verified by LinkedIn
    May 10, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    An amazing experience!!

    I’ve recently completed the full stack track course at iO Academy and it has genuinely been an amazing academic experience. Having quite my job in the events industry and spending a lot of time researching bootcamps, I made the decision to apply to iO and began the course in January 2022.

    The course content is so well thought out and the balance of theory to projects helped solidify learning throughout the process. There was so many occasions where myself and my classmates would j...
  • Xandice
    Junior Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Track • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Sep 30, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Studying at iO was the single best decision I made over lockdown

    Like many people, over the last year I decided I wanted to re-train and do something that felt more stimulating and challenging. I've spent most of my working life being the unofficial resident tech support person, so it seemed a natural progression to formalise things and actually learn what makes the internet work.

    I quit my job in February and was accepted into iO Academy with a scholarship to complete their four month Full Stack Track course. I had an incredible time learning ...
  • Alicja Zubel
    Alicja Zubel
    Junior Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Track • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Sep 22, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Full Stack Track

    Absolutely fantastic. From amazing teachers and supporters to outstanding and indepth content. I couldn't believe how much I have learnt within 16 weeks and how far I have come. My tutor was incredible and very knowledable and he is still available to answer any questions I might have, help out or just give me a boost of confidence when needed. The course provided me with a knowledge that gave me a strong foundation to build my career upon.
    The course was very intense and coding focus...

iO Academy Alumni Outcomes

Employment Rate
Graduation Rate
Median Salary
Of the students who enroll at iO Academy, 100% graduated. 97% of graduates were job-seeking and 82% of job-seeking graduates found in-field employment after 180 days and report a median income of $25,300. Below is the 180 Day Employment Breakdown for 38 graduates included in this report:
180 Day Employment Breakdown
Full Time, In-Field Employee76.3%
Full-time apprenticeship, internship or contract position2.6%
Short-term contract, part-time position, freelanceN/A
Employed out-of-fieldN/A
Notes and Caveats
More information about our reporting and a detailed report can be found here: recorded in UK GBP, not US dollars
* These outcomes are not audited by Course Report. In some cases, data is audited by a third party.

Recent iO Academy News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated June 08, 2021
Course Report · November 2020 Coding Bootcamp News This November, we’re talking about one major bootcamp acquisition and three fundraises (including one over $75MM)! But of course, the biggest news this November was the U.S. election, so we’re covering news about the Trump administration’s legacy on private education, and what the bootcamp industry can expect under the new Biden administ...
Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated July 02, 2024
Oh Summer, one of the best seasons of the year! While it’s a time to relax, bask in the sun, and plan trips with family and friends, summer is also an awesome time to learn. If you’re a current student, teacher, or professional looking to learn to code, a summer bootcamp is a great opportunity to learn to code in a short time frame. Various coding bootcamps offer summer courses to help you la...
Lauren Stewart
Lauren Stewart
Updated September 04, 2024
Most high-salary industries need more diverse workers, and tech is no exception. The conversation about diversity in tech usually focuses on gender, diversity encompasses racial, socioeconomic, cognitive, and experiential differences. Think pieces and diversity reports show large tech companies admitting they have a problem and beginning to address the diversity in tech crisis, but can the ...

iO Academy Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
Job Assistance
Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Students will take the Agile Professional Certification course

How much does iO Academy cost?

iO Academy costs around £12,000. On the lower end, some iO Academy courses like Coding Quick Start cost £400.

What courses does iO Academy teach?

iO Academy offers courses like Coding Quick Start, Data Science and Machine Learning, Full Stack Track, Software Developer Essentials.

Where does iO Academy have campuses?

iO Academy has in-person campuses in Bath, Bristol, and London. iO Academy also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is iO Academy worth it?

The data says yes! iO Academy reports a 98% graduation rate, a median salary of $25,900 and 98% of iO Academy alumni are employed. The data says yes! In 2020, iO Academy reported a 100% graduation rate, a median salary of $25,300, and 82% of iO Academy alumni are employed.

Is iO Academy legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 103 iO Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed iO Academy and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.

Does iO Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like iO Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read iO Academy reviews?

You can read 103 reviews of iO Academy on Course Report! iO Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed iO Academy and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.

Is iO Academy accredited?

Students will take the Agile Professional Certification course

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