21 Best Coding Bootcamps in Barcelona
Le Wagon
4.963465Reviews16CoursesBrussels, Paris, Bordeaux, Lille, Amsterdam, London, Lisbon, Nantes, Montreal, Berlin, Lyon, Tokyo, Shanghai, Marseille, Bali, Melbourne, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Barcelona, Rennes, Zurich, Madrid, Lausanne, Singapore, Munich, Dubai, Santiago, Nice, Cologne, Casablanca, Mauritius, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Online, Porto, Cape Town, Toulouse, SydneyLe Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wa... Learn more about Le Wagon.Le Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wagon also offers part-time courses in Web Analytics, Python Machine Learning, Growth Data Automation, and Data Analytics Essentials. Le Wagon is aimed at individuals seeking to change careers or acquire specific skills. Le Wagon’s training has helped more than 18,000 students accelerate their careers, transition into tech, or launch startups. Le Wagon was founded in 2013 in Paris, and now has in-person campuses in over 40 cities and 25 countries. Learn more about Le Wagon.Dany TSAN
5Graduate • Course: Data Science & AI Bootcamp - Full-time • Marseille
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Says: Super pour acquérir des skills en Data Science
Superbe expérience au Wagon. Pour celles et ceux qui cherchent un bootcamp efficace, je ne peux que conseiller sans réserve le Wagon. Avec toutes les offres quiSuperbe expérience au Wagon.
Pour celles et ceux qui cherchent un bootcamp efficace, je ne peux que conseiller sans réserve le Wagon.
Avec toutes les offres qui existent sur le marché c'est compliqué de s'y retrouver !
Alors pourquoi ?
Comme vous avant, j'ai cherché sur le web une formation sérieuse pour apprendre les bases de Data Science.
Une journée type au wagon
- Tous les matins nous avons un cours
- Exo tout le long de la journée où l'on peut demander de l'aide à un prof (j'insiste sur ce dernier point)
- le soir récap avec un live code
- petit bonus, en fin de bootcamp, il y a un projet à monter en équipe(ça c'était vraiment cool)
Mon expérience perso :
Je ne savais même pas ce qu'était Python avant de commencer !
Mon objectif était de monter en compétence grâce à la compréhension technique de l'IA et de la science des données (la partie mathématique).
Je viens de 19ans de commerce et de marketing et je voulais apprendre à automatiser mes recherches de data pour gagner en performance.
La formation est très intense et assez difficile, je ne le cache pas.
Si vous êtes du genre à être humble, à accepter de ne pas comprendre des fois, à demander de l'aide et si vous êtes bosseur alors cette formation est faite pour vous !
A la fin de ce bootcamp, je sais coder, je sais corriger mes problèmes et je sais monter un projet de A et Z en toute confiance et en parfaite autonomie.
Je ne cache pas que j'ai eu des moments de doutes mais j'ai continué à travailler et à demander de l'aide quotidiennement au prof.
J'insiste sur ce point car c'est vraiment le point fort de ce bootcamp.
D'ailleurs les profs sont très compétents, bienveillants et pédagogues. C'est totalement insane.
On n'est jamais seul, toujours une personne pour vous aider, vous accompagner à trouver la réponse.
Le service administratif est très présent pour vous soutenir tout du long de votre formation.
C'était un batch d'été 2024 en petit groupe de 7.
J'ai vécu une très très belle expérience.
J'espère que ma review permettra à d'autres de se lancer dans l'aventure et à prendre un ticket pour le prochain Wagon.Nuclio School
4.59246Reviews2CoursesNuclio School is a digital training school based in Spain, and courses are held online and in-person at campuses in Barcelona and Madrid. Nuclio offers Maste... Learn more about Nuclio School.Nuclio School is a digital training school based in Spain, and courses are held online and in-person at campuses in Barcelona and Madrid. Nuclio offers Master’s programs in Data Science, Digital Product Management, UX/UI Design, Full Stack Development, Blockchain, Digital Marketing, and more. Courses are offered in English and Spanish. Nuclio School offers small, collaborative classes taught by tech sector professionals. Learn more about Nuclio School.Miguel Angel Navalon
5Student • Online
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Says: Master fullstack
Yo her cursado el master de full stack de la promoción de febrero de este año y solo puedo valorar positivamente la decisión que tomé de apuntarme a Nuclio. A dYo her cursado el master de full stack de la promoción de febrero de este año y solo puedo valorar positivamente la decisión que tomé de apuntarme a Nuclio. A destacar el itinerario lectivo pero sobretodo la calidad de las clases que son TODAS en directo y la magnífica atención y dedicación del profesoradoIronhack
4.791074Reviews8CoursesIronhack offers full-time and part-time bootcamps in Web Development, UX/UI design, Data Analytics and Cyber Security in Miami (Florida), Madrid and Barcelon... Learn more about Ironhack.Ironhack offers full-time and part-time bootcamps in Web Development, UX/UI design, Data Analytics and Cyber Security in Miami (Florida), Madrid and Barcelona (Spain), Paris (France) Mexico City (Mexico), Berlin (Germany), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Sao Paulo (Brazil), Lisbon (Portugal) and remotely. Ironhack uses a customized approach to education by allowing students to shape their experience based on personal goals. Students who graduate from the Web Development Bootcamp will be skilled in technologies like JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3. The UX/UI program covers Design Thinking, Photoshop, Sketch, Balsamiq, InVision, and JavaScript. Data Analytics covers data wrangling/cleaning, APIs, web scraping, and intermediate topics in Git, MySQL, Python, Data visualization, Panda, and Machine Learning. The Data Analytics program allows students to load, clean, explore and extract valuable insights from datasets and cultivate languages, such as Python, SQL and Tableau. The Cyber Security course provides students with the hands-on skills they need to land a job in the growing cybersecurity industry. In the Cyber Security course, students will develop the most in-demand knowledge to be part of any company's cybersecurity workforce and become a cybersecurity professional. Learn more about Ironhack.Carmen Suarez-Llanos5Graduate • Course: UX/UI Design Bootcamp (Full-Time) • Lisbon
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Says: Unique experience with Ironhack Lisbon's on-site bootcamp
I don't even know where to start describing the experience of the last 9 weeks in the IN-PERSONtial UX/UI design bootcamp at Ironhack Lisbon. The quality of theI don't even know where to start describing the experience of the last 9 weeks in the IN-PERSONtial UX/UI design bootcamp at Ironhack Lisbon. The quality of the training program is unbeatable. The professionals who make up the teaching staff are of the highest level, both as teachers and as human beings. The kindness and closeness, as well as the positivism in the low moments of such an intense experience, have made that, time after, I still feel moved when I remember them. Moreover, the on-site experience of the course has been crucial for me. I could not imagine it in any other format. The quality of the transmission of the contents, as well as the coexistence with the teaching team and the rest of my classmates, both in my course and those of WebDev and Data Analysis, would not have been of such a high level and would not have exceeded my expectations if it had not been in a face-to-face format. I highly recommend this formula. It feels like a summer camp and you feel it when you leave, but in this case you don't just take friends for life, you change your professional life forever. I miss you all!Codeworks
4.9190Reviews3CoursesCodeworks is an immersive coding bootcamp with campuses in several locations around the world. Students can attend Codeworks courses in-person or remotely. P... Learn more about Codeworks.Codeworks is an immersive coding bootcamp with campuses in several locations around the world. Students can attend Codeworks courses in-person or remotely. Programs include 8-week and 12-week, full-time, software engineering and full-stack web development courses. All programs cover HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, Express, SQL and NoSQL databases, Angular, and React, with the 12-week course also covering DevOps, continuous deployment and systems architecture. Learn more about Codeworks.Toby Dixon Smith
5Graduate • Course: Software Engineering Immersive • London
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Says: A transformative experience
I recently completed the Codeworks bootcamp, and I can confidently say that it was an incredibly enriching experience. The course is meticulously designed, starI recently completed the Codeworks bootcamp, and I can confidently say that it was an incredibly enriching experience. The course is meticulously designed, starting with the fundamentals of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, and progressively moving on to full-stack development using Node.js and popular frontend frameworks like Angular and React. The curriculum is well-crafted and ensures that by the end of the course, students are well-prepared to build robust, full-stack applications.One of the standout aspects of Codeworks is the instructor coordinator, Brent. He leads the teaching team with a clear and effective approach to instruction. Brent emphasizes problem-solving and self-reliance, which really pushes students to develop their critical thinking and coding skills. While the course is undeniably intense, Brent and the other instructors strike a perfect balance between encouraging independence and providing support. I had the pleasure of meeting with Brent a few times, and each interaction reinforced how dedicated and thoughtful the teaching approach at Codeworks is.The bootcamp is demanding, but students who come in with the right mindset—curiosity, a strong work ethic, and a willingness to step outside their comfort zones—will thrive. The only instances where I saw students struggle were when they weren't interested in challenging themselves beyond their existing knowledge. That said, even with my 10 years of coding experience, I found the bootcamp to be incredibly valuable. The environment at Codeworks is nothing short of inspiring. The positive atmosphere and the constant encouragement to tackle ambitious projects allowed me to grow in ways I never expected.The course is also great for beginners. Many in my cohort came in with little or no coding experience, and they thrived. The precourse material, completed as part of the application process, does an excellent job of teaching the fundamentals of JavaScript. We also spent the first few days of the bootcamp recapping this material in more detail, providing a solid foundation from which to build for the rest of the course. This approach makes the course approachable for beginners while still being challenging enough for those with more experience.At Codeworks, students also create their own projects, entirely led by themselves, which allows them to build incredible full-stack applications to add to their portfolios. These projects push their skills to a level that truly sets them apart. The experience of working on these projects closely mimics the environments developers encounter every day in the workplace, providing invaluable real-world experience.Moreover, Codeworks sets you up brilliantly to enter employment afterward if you wish to get a job in computer science. Maria runs the careers department and is available to help Codeworks alumni long after graduation. The structure of the course lends itself toward employment. Students cover the main tasks that junior developers will encounter in the workforce, making them far more attractive to employers. Not only do they develop strong individual coding abilities, but they also gain skills in writing tests and collaborating within a team on projects using industry-standard tools such as Git and GitHub. This knowledge of testing frameworks and methodologies, as well as proficiency with versioning tools, makes Codeworks graduates particularly attractive to potential employers.In the final week, Codeworks prepares students for job hunting, helping them get ready to enter the job market. Maria assists students in finding resources in their area for job postings and supports each student in crafting the perfect CV, LinkedIn profile, and GitHub. By the end of the week, each student leaves Codeworks with a finely crafted professional persona, ready to apply for a wide range of coding-related jobs. After graduation, students can choose to participate in weekly group calls to support their job search, and Maria is more than happy to do one-on-one calls when needed.The community built by the students and staff at Codeworks is outstanding. Every student learns from one another and pushes each other to get the best out of themselves. Rather than competing against one another, the students work together, exchanging ideas and knowledge. This sense of community and the drive to build everyone up creates an incredibly supportive atmosphere to enter every day. The same is true of the teacher-student relationship. It’s far more of a mentorship role than that of a typical teacher. By not even the end of the course, more like halfway through, we all felt that the staff on the course were friends and mentors. Rather than just having teachers, I now feel like I have a set of mentors who I can turn to even after finishing the course. It’s great being able to chat with them and exchange ideas and knowledge. They all have incredible depths of knowledge to draw from, and their insights are invaluable.I would recommend being in-person if at all possible, as it helps develop this relationship with the staff and fellow students, and I think these relationships are the most valuable part of the course. I was on the London campus, and it was an incredible experience. We interacted with the other campuses and remote students every day. The remote students are also incredibly well supported and had a great time, but a few admitted that they wished they had chosen to join one of the campuses. They could see how much it helped us to have a physical space and surrounding ourselves with other students and staff added another dimension to our experience.In summary, Codeworks is more than just a coding bootcamp—it’s a transformative experience. Whether you’re a beginner or have years of experience like myself, you’ll find the curriculum, the instructors, and the overall environment to be top-notch. I highly recommend Codeworks to anyone looking to take their coding skills to the next level, build strong professional relationships, and set themselves up for a successful career in tech.ISDI Coders
4.9994Reviews3CoursesISDI Coders offers a 16-week, part-time Front End Web Development with JavaScript & Firebase bootcamp and an 11-week, full-time Web Development Bootcamp ... Learn more about ISDI Coders.ISDI Coders offers a 16-week, part-time Front End Web Development with JavaScript Firebase bootcamp and an 11-week, full-time Web Development Bootcamp with JavaScript in-person at campuses in Barcelona and Madrid, Spain and online. ISDI Coders students receive professional mentorship and build job-relevant projects. Learn more about ISDI Coders.Nacho Losada5Graduate • Course: Web Development Bootcamp with Javascript - Barcelona • Barcelona
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Says: Don't be afraid to change your life!
It's been a very long time since i wanted to learn programming, but life never goes as planned. Loads of years later, the moment arrived: I was very upset withIt's been a very long time since i wanted to learn programming, but life never goes as planned. Loads of years later, the moment arrived: I was very upset with my past job and decided to leave. "-It's now or never!"
I had to move fast to find the ideal place to learn, It was THE moment and I mustn't let it go. So I moved forward, and met Gerard. He told me how ISDI Coders changed almost a thousand lives introducing them in the tech wheel and how was possible to learn that much in 3 months.
It was hard to believe, but I believed him at first indeed.
Then, at this moment, frightened, I decided to change my life. And now, a couple of months later, I have my first web developer job.
ISDI Coders changed my life ;)- 73Reviews7CoursesBarcelona Code School is a code school offering immersive training in full stack web and mobile development, UX/UI design, and machine learning and AI develo... Learn more about Barcelona Code School.Barcelona Code School is a code school offering immersive training in full stack web and mobile development, UX/UI design, and machine learning and AI development in Barcelona, Spain and online. With its low student-to-mentor ratios, Barcelona Code School achieves an in-depth learning experience that prepares students to be job-ready in 9 weeks of full-time training. Bootcamps and courses are taught in English by experience developers. Short technical courses are also available online and in-person. Learn more about Barcelona Code School.
Martina Gjergja
5Graduate • Course: JavaScript Full-Stack Online Bootcamp • Online
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Says: Excellent!
I completed JavaScript Full-Stack Online Mentored Bootcamp and it was really great journey. With zero experience I ended up with solid foundation to build almosI completed JavaScript Full-Stack Online Mentored Bootcamp and it was really great journey.With zero experience I ended up with solid foundation to build almost any app. It wasn't easy, but very rewarding.You just have to follow the steps in process. I highly recommend it! allWomen
4.8937Reviews8CoursesallWomen is in online, international tech training provider that offers live remote, part-time bootcamps in data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), UX/... Learn more about allWomen.allWomen is in online, international tech training provider that offers live remote, part-time bootcamps in data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), UX/UI design, and product management. allWomen is exclusively for women and women-identified individuals, and the courses are meant to help those making career pivots or upskilling. The program was created to increase gender diversity in the tech industry. Learn more about allWomen.Monica Esteban5Student • Course: UX - UI Design Part Time • Barcelona
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Says: A very comprehensive bootcamp with excellent instructors
The experience has been very satisfactory. In a short time, I feel that I have learned a lot. The instructors are active professionals, so they bring experienceThe experience has been very satisfactory. In a short time, I feel that I have learned a lot. The instructors are active professionals, so they bring experiences that enrich the classes. I finished with a project built from scratch, going through all the phases for my portfolio. It was totally worth it.- 41Reviews4CoursesUbiqum Code Academy is an immersive technical education institution, offering intensive programs in Data Analytics & Machine Learning and Full Stack Web ... Learn more about Ubiqum Code Academy.Ubiqum Code Academy is an immersive technical education institution, offering intensive programs in Data Analytics Machine Learning and Full Stack Web Development. With its headquarters in Barcelona, Spain, and a robust online presence, Ubiqum caters to aspiring professionals globally. Ubiqum Code Academy doesn’t just teach skills; they cultivate expertise, nurture careers, and empower individuals to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of technology and innovation. Learn more about Ubiqum Code Academy.
Roshan Kumar Bhuyan
5Student • Course: Data Analytics & Big Data, Full Time Onsite • Berlin
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Says: Data Science
I was doing my masters' degree in Space engineering and I was unhappy as I didn't find anything that kept me interested and devoted. I had tried a few things inI was doing my masters' degree in Space engineering and I was unhappy as I didn't find anything that kept me interested and devoted. I had tried a few things in data science and tried to self-learn but I realized quickly that the initial learning curve in this was really steep. I have heard people use the phrase for data science - "It's easy, It's not Rocket science", but having studied rocket science as well, i found out that data science was not easy.
Browsing through hundreds of online courses and trying to learn from thousands of resources I was overwhelmed by the ever-changing and ever upgrading field of Data Science.
I needed some structure and a beginners level course which was a challenge to find.
I came across the data science course offered by Ubiqum and decided to enroll in it.
Their “learn by doing”methodology really focused on the practical aspects of data science which helped in greatly reducing the steep initial learning curve. Having said about the practical aspects, theoretical aspects are not forgotten either and the mentors discuss all the theory before, during and after every task.
The projects are designed in such a way that the difficulty levels up with every subsequent project and this helped me build up a very strong base.
I now have completed many projects at Ubiqum and ventured deep into the domain of data science and I would like to thank Ubiqum to provide me with the catapult which helped me launch myself into a career in data science. CodeOp
4.9626Reviews6CoursesCodeOp is an international tech school headquartered in Barcelona that offers full-time and part-time tech bootcamps for women, trans, and gender non-conform... Learn more about CodeOp.CodeOp is an international tech school headquartered in Barcelona that offers full-time and part-time tech bootcamps for women, trans, and gender non-conforming people in full stack web development, data analytics, and data science. Launched as a social venture by a San Francisco native in 2018, CodeOp is an international team that is passionate about doing meaningful work at the intersection of tech and education. Learn more about CodeOp.Agata Swiniarska5Graduate • Course: Data Analytics (Full-time) • Barcelona
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Says: Fantastic start for your data skillset!
I attended Code Op's Data Analyst Track in 2024. The school provides a great background to anyone who would like to change careers, transition into tech or justI attended Code Op's Data Analyst Track in 2024. The school provides a great background to anyone who would like to change careers, transition into tech or just gain a new skillset. During 8 weeks we went thoroughly and deeply from the fundamentals of coding in Python to the practical use of data sciences and data analytics. The course offers tools, materials and conducts projects that a student can later put on their resume. Career Week organized and the end of each course is also a feature that boosts confidence and prepares a graduate for the market. The staff is professional, helpful and friendly.
Great school, I absolutely recommend it!arol.dev
5.013Reviews1Coursearol.dev is a coding bootcamp based in Barcelona that offers 12-week, full-time, live online and in-person software engineering programs covering JavaScript,... Learn more about arol.dev.arol.dev is a coding bootcamp based in Barcelona that offers 12-week, full-time, live online and in-person software engineering programs covering JavaScript, Git, Github, agile methodologies, AWS, Node.js, and Docker. arol.dev has a focus on mental health and inclusivity in order to make coding more accessible for everyone. Learn more about arol.dev.Victor Bettiol5Graduate • Course: Software Engineering 12-Week (Barcelona or Online) • Online
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Says: Excellent experience!
Joining arol.dev was honestly one of the best decisions I’ve made! Over the 3 months of course, I not only learned a lot about coding, going from JavaScript andJoining arol.dev was honestly one of the best decisions I’ve made! Over the 3 months of course, I not only learned a lot about coding, going from JavaScript and Node.js to AWS and Docker. But I also grew so much in terms of soft skills like confident public speech and communication.
The environment at arol.dev is amazing! The instructors know so much and they genuinely care about helping you succeed. Plus, the focus on mental health made it a super supportive environment where everyone felt great.
They also help you get job-ready with career services that cover everything from building a great resume to nailing your interviews. Thanks to them, today I'm working as a Software Developer. I really can’t recommend this program enough!UXER School
5.027Reviews6CoursesUXER School offers a full-time, 8-week UX design immersive course in Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia, Spain. The goal of UXER School is to have students expe... Learn more about UXER School.UXER School offers a full-time, 8-week UX design immersive course in Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia, Spain. The goal of UXER School is to have students experience each step of the design and user experience process including research, rapid prototyping, strategic and interaction design, interface design, and user testing. Students will work on team projects to put into practice their learnings and receive feedback from design industry professional mentors who will guide them throughout the course. Learn more about UXER School.Akademy.AI
5.07Reviews1CourseAkademy AI is a technology school that focuses on artificial intelligence in Barcelona, Spain. The AI Engineer bootcamp is a 10-week intensive course that re... Learn more about Akademy.AI.Akademy AI is a technology school that focuses on artificial intelligence in Barcelona, Spain. The AI Engineer bootcamp is a 10-week intensive course that requires Python coding experience, and covers Python, machine learning, and neural networks. Students in the bootcamp spend the morning in a lecture with experienced teachers, and the afternoons testing out what they learned. This AI bootcamp is for students who want to be data scientists or AI engineers, and by the end of the course, students will complete a real world project to show what they have learned. The school also offers a coding foundations of AI class and an AI for everyone course which are aimed at beginners. Learn more about Akademy.AI.Wendy Quarshie5Graduate • Course: AI Engineer Bootcamp • Barcelona
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Says: Amazing experience
It has been an amazing experience. I loved the dedication and perseverance of all the tutors to ensure that we understood the concepts and most importantly wereIt has been an amazing experience. I loved the dedication and perseverance of all the tutors to ensure that we understood the concepts and most importantly were able to recreate them.
Cyber Patio
4.9627Reviews4CoursesCyber Patio offers an 11-week, full-time UX/UI Bootcamp which can be attended in-person in Barcelona, Space or online, and a 10-week, part-time, live online ... Learn more about Cyber Patio.Cyber Patio offers an 11-week, full-time UX/UI Bootcamp which can be attended in-person in Barcelona, Space or online, and a 10-week, part-time, live online UI Design Intensive bootcamp. These UX/UI Bootcamp is held from 9 am to 6 pm Monday through Friday, and the UI Design Intensive bootcamp takes place Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings. The bootcamps are taught in Spanish and English. Learn more about Cyber Patio.Taryn Hart5Graduate • Course: 1:1 Personalised Design, Code and Mentoring Programs • Online
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Says: Perfectly tailored to my needs
As the lone UI Designer in a small company, I was so happy to find Cyber Patio. They worked with me to tailor a 1-on-1 course that perfectly met all my needs (iAs the lone UI Designer in a small company, I was so happy to find Cyber Patio. They worked with me to tailor a 1-on-1 course that perfectly met all my needs (including workflow, better UX/UI practices, and design systems) and found me the perfect tutor. I'll be going back for another round soon!- 66Reviews7CoursesData Science Dojo offers online and in-person data science bootcamps in Redmond, Washington. Data Science Dojo believes that anyone can learn data science, a... Learn more about Data Science Dojo.Data Science Dojo offers online and in-person data science bootcamps in Redmond, Washington. Data Science Dojo believes that anyone can learn data science, and provides comprehensive, hands-on training that helps students jump into practical data science, including R programming, AWS, and Azure tools. The in-person course can be completed in five days, and the online course can be completed within 14 weeks. Bootcamp students are trained in machine learning concepts, and deploy predictive models as a service, complete an IoT (Internet of Things) project, and enter a Kaggle competition. The curriculum is taught by experienced data scientists covering both data science and data engineering. All students participate in an in-class Kaggle competition against their peers. Learn more about Data Science Dojo.Tatyana S.
5Graduate • Course: Remote Data Science & Data Engineering Bootcamp • Seattle
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Says: 16 Week Remote DSDojo Bootcamp
16 weeks may seem like a daunting time commitment, but the course is so worth it! The way the Data Science Dojo crew runs their bootcamp program is very thoroug16 weeks may seem like a daunting time commitment, but the course is so worth it! The way the Data Science Dojo crew runs their bootcamp program is very thorough. The lessons and homework flow very intuitively. The modules covered build on concepts in a way that really helps with understanding. The instructors really promote class interaction which is good for tackling these topics in such a short time, getting our engagement rather than simply lecturing at us. They also encourage participation in a class Kaggle competition, which helps with additional free-form practical application of the concepts covered in class (plus some friendly competition for motivation). Most importantly, the instructors are very interactive, hands on, and passionate. They want to see every cohort succeed in their learning and you can see the labor of love that goes into teaching us, providing quality content both in the sessions and via the course site. This really sets them apart from other bootcamps, especially those provided online.
The course covers all the hot topics in the Data Science field, grounding in the perspective that the bootcamp is looking to prepare students with a broad range of experiences. I appreciate the context they provide and the thought that went into exposing us to a little bit of everything and the skills to jump in. iNVASIVECODE
5.04Reviews3CoursesiNVASIVECODE is a premier mobile app development team, founded by ex-Apple engineers, that specializes in rapidly advancing enterprises through modern mobi... Learn more about iNVASIVECODE.4Geeks Academy
4.85159Reviews7Courses4Geeks Academy is a coding bootcamp offering part-time and full-time coding software engineering, cybersecurity, and AI/machine learning bootcamps in Miami a... Learn more about 4Geeks Academy.4Geeks Academy is a coding bootcamp offering part-time and full-time coding software engineering, cybersecurity, and AI/machine learning bootcamps in Miami and Orlando, Toronto, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, and Remote/Online. 4Geeks Academy provides a blended education model leveraging two proven formats: part-time training and flipped classroom. Learn more about 4Geeks Academy.Flavia Fernández Olivera5Graduate • Madrid
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Says: El método funciona, sales muy bien preparada
Mi experiencia ha sido muy positiva, fueron meses muy intensos donde me enfoqué 100% y tuvo su recompensa, ayudó mucho sentirme acompañada durante todo el proceMi experiencia ha sido muy positiva, fueron meses muy intensos donde me enfoqué 100% y tuvo su recompensa, ayudó mucho sentirme acompañada durante todo el proceso y también después! En la búsqueda laboral Mel Zwanck me ayudó tanto que aún sigo guardando sus consejos y además tenemos la suerte de poder seguir contactando con el equipo si necesitamos algo. Una vez dentro del mundo laboral tech me di cuenta que sales muy bien preparada en comparación con otros bootcamps, te enseñan herramientas técnicas pero también soft skills. Podrás defenderte perfectamente en tu primer trabajo si te dejas aconsejar y confías en el método de la academia. Acabé ya hace unos meses y hace otros tantos que estoy trabajando como programadora, entonces puedo decir con seguridad que recomiendo 4geeks.- 15Reviews11CoursesGeeksHubs Academy is a coding school that offers 10- and 12-week bootcamps in Full Stack Development, Agile Project Management, Product Design, DevOps, Cyber... Learn more about GeeksHubs Academy.GeeksHubs Academy is a coding school that offers 10- and 12-week bootcamps in Full Stack Development, Agile Project Management, Product Design, DevOps, Cybersecurity, and more. The full-time Full Stack Development bootcamp is taught in-person. The part-time Agile Project Management, Product Design, DevOps, Cybersecurity bootcamps are taught live online. Learn more about GeeksHubs Academy.
- 25Reviews1CourseWorld Tech Makers is a 12-week digital education program based in Latin America. WTM focuses on major web technologies like Ruby on Rails, HTML/CSS, JavaScri... Learn more about World Tech Makers.World Tech Makers is a 12-week digital education program based in Latin America. WTM focuses on major web technologies like Ruby on Rails, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Git, and more. The 12-week intensive bootcamp offers tracks in development or entrepreneurship, and no previous coding experience is required. Participation in the program also promises access to an international network of partner companies and continuing access to an online educational platform. The program concludes with a Demo Day where students are given the chance to present the applications and websites they created during the course. Learn more about World Tech Makers.
Daniela Cardona Alzate
5Student • Medellín
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Says: Purspose & Tech Aligning
I've been able to experience alignment with my purpose thanks to all the team work of World Tech Makers. I've seen an integral project that goes forward with tI've been able to experience alignment with my purpose thanks to all the team work of World Tech Makers. I've seen an integral project that goes forward with the 19 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, through education, technology and human bounds. As a Colombian person, I believe that this project has an invaluable impact and that's why I would highly recommend it to everyone!!! HACK A BOSS
4.9213Reviews3CoursesHACK A BOSS is a Spain-based technology company offering 16-week bootcamps in web development and data science & AI live online and at hybrid campuses ac... Learn more about HACK A BOSS.HACK A BOSS is a Spain-based technology company offering 16-week bootcamps in web development and data science AI live online and at hybrid campuses across Spain. Remote bootcamps are offered online for the entirety of Spain. The mission of HACK A BOSS is finding, generating, and developing the best technological talent in Spain and around the world. In addition to technical skills, HACK A BOSS helps students develop their soft skills, learn to work collaboratively on code, develop projects, expand their portfolio, and network with companies. Learn more about HACK A BOSS.Cristhian Medrano Bonora
5Graduate • Course: Web Development Bootcamp • Online
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Elegí el curso de full stack porque me encanta programar y ¡la verdad es que no me arrepiento! Todo fue muy fácil desde el principio, la gente que me atendió fuElegí el curso de full stack porque me encanta programar y ¡la verdad es que no me arrepiento! Todo fue muy fácil desde el principio, la gente que me atendió fue súper amable y me ayudaron con todo. Los profes, Pablo y Luis, son unos cracks. Saben muchísimo y te lo explican de una forma que cualquiera entiende. Con mi experiencia previa en informática y tecnología, puedo asegurar que las peronas que trabajan en HACK A BOSS son auténticos profesionales.- 0Reviews4CoursesThe Valley Business & Tech School is a training provider offering online and in person, part-time Master programs in Full Stack Web Development (30 week... Learn more about The Valley Business & Tech School.The Valley Business Tech School is a training provider offering online and in person, part-time Master programs in Full Stack Web Development (30 weeks), UI/UX Design (24 weeks), Digital Project Management (16 weeks), and Data Science, AI, Big Data Analytics (40 weeks) to students in Spain, Chile, Colombia, and the Canary Islands. Students will complete real world projects to give them hands-on experience in the topics they cover. The Valley Business Tech School also offers specialization programs and online microlearning programs for people who are looking to upskill. Learn more about The Valley Business Tech School.
- 0Reviews2CoursesThe Refactor Project is a tech training provider based in Barcelona, Spain offering online and in-person bootcamps in web development (16 weeks) and software... Learn more about The Refactor Project.The Refactor Project is a tech training provider based in Barcelona, Spain offering online and in-person bootcamps in web development (16 weeks) and software engineering (15 weeks). The Crafting in Professional Web Development bootcamp covers topics like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Express, React, Node.js, MongoDB, Git, and Scrum. The Software Engineering: SOLID Design Patterns bootcamp teaches students who already have programming knowledge how to apply familiar concepts to a career in coding. Students will round out their skills to give them a necessary foundation for working in a tech job. Learn more about The Refactor Project.