8 Best Coding Bootcamps in Mexico City
4.7978Reviews8CoursesBedu/Tech offers part-time, full stack web development courses in Mexico City, Guadalajara, and online. The curriculum covers the MEAN stack (Mongo, Express,... Learn more about Bedu/Tech.Bedu/Tech offers part-time, full stack web development courses in Mexico City, Guadalajara, and online. The curriculum covers the MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angular, and Node) in an intensive environment. Learn more about Bedu/Tech.Sergio Rodrigo Cruz Veloz
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Says: Fullstack Javascript
Una muy buena experiencia con este bootcamp, los expertos o los maestros son personas que han trabajado en la industria y con las tecnologías que imparten por lUna muy buena experiencia con este bootcamp, los expertos o los maestros son personas que han trabajado en la industria y con las tecnologías que imparten por lo que el conocimiento que te proporcionan es relevante. De igual manera los grupos no son tan grandes por lo que es posible preguntar tus dudas.
Es necesario dedicarle más horas que las horas de clase pero esto es necesario para practicar.
Me llevo muchos conocimientos nuevos y un curriculum mejorado con opciones para un cambio de carrera por lo que me voy satisfechoLe Wagon
4.963465Reviews16CoursesBrussels, Paris, Bordeaux, Lille, Amsterdam, London, Lisbon, Nantes, Montreal, Berlin, Lyon, Tokyo, Shanghai, Marseille, Bali, Melbourne, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Barcelona, Rennes, Zurich, Madrid, Lausanne, Singapore, Munich, Dubai, Santiago, Nice, Cologne, Casablanca, Mauritius, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Online, Porto, Cape Town, Toulouse, SydneyLe Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wa... Learn more about Le Wagon.Le Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wagon also offers part-time courses in Web Analytics, Python Machine Learning, Growth Data Automation, and Data Analytics Essentials. Le Wagon is aimed at individuals seeking to change careers or acquire specific skills. Le Wagon’s training has helped more than 18,000 students accelerate their careers, transition into tech, or launch startups. Le Wagon was founded in 2013 in Paris, and now has in-person campuses in over 40 cities and 25 countries. Learn more about Le Wagon.Dany TSAN
5Graduate • Course: Data Science & AI Bootcamp - Full-time • Marseille
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Says: Super pour acquérir des skills en Data Science
Superbe expérience au Wagon. Pour celles et ceux qui cherchent un bootcamp efficace, je ne peux que conseiller sans réserve le Wagon. Avec toutes les offres quiSuperbe expérience au Wagon.
Pour celles et ceux qui cherchent un bootcamp efficace, je ne peux que conseiller sans réserve le Wagon.
Avec toutes les offres qui existent sur le marché c'est compliqué de s'y retrouver !
Alors pourquoi ?
Comme vous avant, j'ai cherché sur le web une formation sérieuse pour apprendre les bases de Data Science.
Une journée type au wagon
- Tous les matins nous avons un cours
- Exo tout le long de la journée où l'on peut demander de l'aide à un prof (j'insiste sur ce dernier point)
- le soir récap avec un live code
- petit bonus, en fin de bootcamp, il y a un projet à monter en équipe(ça c'était vraiment cool)
Mon expérience perso :
Je ne savais même pas ce qu'était Python avant de commencer !
Mon objectif était de monter en compétence grâce à la compréhension technique de l'IA et de la science des données (la partie mathématique).
Je viens de 19ans de commerce et de marketing et je voulais apprendre à automatiser mes recherches de data pour gagner en performance.
La formation est très intense et assez difficile, je ne le cache pas.
Si vous êtes du genre à être humble, à accepter de ne pas comprendre des fois, à demander de l'aide et si vous êtes bosseur alors cette formation est faite pour vous !
A la fin de ce bootcamp, je sais coder, je sais corriger mes problèmes et je sais monter un projet de A et Z en toute confiance et en parfaite autonomie.
Je ne cache pas que j'ai eu des moments de doutes mais j'ai continué à travailler et à demander de l'aide quotidiennement au prof.
J'insiste sur ce point car c'est vraiment le point fort de ce bootcamp.
D'ailleurs les profs sont très compétents, bienveillants et pédagogues. C'est totalement insane.
On n'est jamais seul, toujours une personne pour vous aider, vous accompagner à trouver la réponse.
Le service administratif est très présent pour vous soutenir tout du long de votre formation.
C'était un batch d'été 2024 en petit groupe de 7.
J'ai vécu une très très belle expérience.
J'espère que ma review permettra à d'autres de se lancer dans l'aventure et à prendre un ticket pour le prochain Wagon.MUKTEK Academy
4.8715Reviews4CoursesMUKTEK Academy offers full-time, 15-week and part-time, 7-month full stack Javascript courses in Mexico City, Mexico. An important aspect of the MUKTEK Acade... Learn more about MUKTEK Academy.MUKTEK Academy offers full-time, 15-week and part-time, 7-month full stack Javascript courses in Mexico City, Mexico. An important aspect of the MUKTEK Academy mission is to help those with less opportunity and access, therefore 30% of classroom availability is reserved for scholarship recipients. MUKTEK Academy aims to empower the people of Mexico City through enriching learning experiences in technology education and enhance a competitive workforce. Students will learn JavaScript essentials, HTML, CSS, React, MySQL, and Node, and will participate in a final project to solidify skills learned in the course. Learn more about MUKTEK Academy.Marco Antonio Sandoval Espinosa5Student • Course: JavaScript Fullstack • Mexico City
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Says: Best bootcamp in Mexico
Studying at Muktek has generated a great change in my life, they helped me to acquire the technical knowledge necessary to perform as a professional developer aStudying at Muktek has generated a great change in my life, they helped me to acquire the technical knowledge necessary to perform as a professional developer and in addition to this, they are concerned with developing their students in all aspects, all of this with soft skills sessions, IT area speakers and a full week dedicated to planning and complementing your career.
The teachers and all the staff are concerned about teaching the necessary knowledge, they are always willing to help. The community is very strong, there are always events in which the entire muktek community is involved, ex-students, teachers and administrative staff.
In Muktek you can find a great academy that will allow you to have an incredible professional and human growth.- 63Reviews3CoursesTecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps offer 24-week, part-time web development, data analytics, and cybersecurity courses. The full stack curriculum includes H... Learn more about Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps.Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps offer 24-week, part-time web development, data analytics, and cybersecurity courses. The full stack curriculum includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Express.js, Node.js, databases, MongoDB, MySQL, and Git. The data curriculum includes programming in Excel, Python, R programming, JavaScript charting, HTML/CSS, API interactions, SQL, Tableau, fundamental statistics, machine learning, and more. Enjoy close collaboration with other professionals while receiving hands-on experience. The cybersecurity curriculum offers hands-on training in networking, systems, web technologies, databases, and defensive and offensive cybersecurity. Learn more about Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps.Alberto Valdez
5Student • Course: Data Science and Visualization - Part-Time • Mexico City
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Says: A Great Start on Data
Before enrolling in the course I had interviewed for a few tech and research-oriented positions in my field and failed to move past the last stages of the proceBefore enrolling in the course I had interviewed for a few tech and research-oriented positions in my field and failed to move past the last stages of the process, so I decided that I needed to get better prepared to meet the demands of today's data-driven world.This Bootcamp's curriculum covers a lot of ground and it succeeds to stay within industry-standard tools and practices that have given me the confidence to work with real-life data analytics and data engineering tasks. The Bootcamp doesn't require a computer science background but it helps to have university-grade foundations in computation, mathematics, and statistics as well as some experience with programming languages. On many occasions, because of the fast pace of the program, I wished I had more time to deepen my knowledge of certain topics and tools like web technologies, cloud computing, and Python libraries, but at least the curriculum revisits them later on and expands on them appropriately. The career services are good but it's hard to prioritize them early on with so much going on in the lessons and assignments.The way I get the most out of the course is by being confident using everyday tools like Git, Google, the command line, and code editors, as they can get in the way of learning more complex topics further down the road. The rest is applying the course materials in whatever interests you the most. The first 4-6 weeks can be difficult as you adapt to the schedule but it gets easier once you make a habit of learning and practicing technical skills while progressively becoming a better data analyst. - 25Reviews1CourseWorld Tech Makers is a 12-week digital education program based in Latin America. WTM focuses on major web technologies like Ruby on Rails, HTML/CSS, JavaScri... Learn more about World Tech Makers.World Tech Makers is a 12-week digital education program based in Latin America. WTM focuses on major web technologies like Ruby on Rails, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Git, and more. The 12-week intensive bootcamp offers tracks in development or entrepreneurship, and no previous coding experience is required. Participation in the program also promises access to an international network of partner companies and continuing access to an online educational platform. The program concludes with a Demo Day where students are given the chance to present the applications and websites they created during the course. Learn more about World Tech Makers.
Daniela Cardona Alzate
5Student • Medellín
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Says: Purspose & Tech Aligning
I've been able to experience alignment with my purpose thanks to all the team work of World Tech Makers. I've seen an integral project that goes forward with tI've been able to experience alignment with my purpose thanks to all the team work of World Tech Makers. I've seen an integral project that goes forward with the 19 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, through education, technology and human bounds. As a Colombian person, I believe that this project has an invaluable impact and that's why I would highly recommend it to everyone!!! 4Geeks Academy
4.85159Reviews7Courses4Geeks Academy is a coding bootcamp offering part-time and full-time coding software engineering, cybersecurity, and AI/machine learning bootcamps in Miami a... Learn more about 4Geeks Academy.4Geeks Academy is a coding bootcamp offering part-time and full-time coding software engineering, cybersecurity, and AI/machine learning bootcamps in Miami and Orlando, Toronto, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, and Remote/Online. 4Geeks Academy provides a blended education model leveraging two proven formats: part-time training and flipped classroom. Learn more about 4Geeks Academy.Flavia Fernández Olivera5Graduate • Madrid
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Says: El método funciona, sales muy bien preparada
Mi experiencia ha sido muy positiva, fueron meses muy intensos donde me enfoqué 100% y tuvo su recompensa, ayudó mucho sentirme acompañada durante todo el proceMi experiencia ha sido muy positiva, fueron meses muy intensos donde me enfoqué 100% y tuvo su recompensa, ayudó mucho sentirme acompañada durante todo el proceso y también después! En la búsqueda laboral Mel Zwanck me ayudó tanto que aún sigo guardando sus consejos y además tenemos la suerte de poder seguir contactando con el equipo si necesitamos algo. Una vez dentro del mundo laboral tech me di cuenta que sales muy bien preparada en comparación con otros bootcamps, te enseñan herramientas técnicas pero también soft skills. Podrás defenderte perfectamente en tu primer trabajo si te dejas aconsejar y confías en el método de la academia. Acabé ya hace unos meses y hace otros tantos que estoy trabajando como programadora, entonces puedo decir con seguridad que recomiendo 4geeks.- 77Reviews5CoursesDevelopers.Institute is a full stack coding bootcamp offering full-time and part-time courses in Python and JavaScript both online and in-person at campuses ... Learn more about Developers.Institute.Developers.Institute is a full stack coding bootcamp offering full-time and part-time courses in Python and JavaScript both online and in-person at campuses in Tel Aviv, Mauritius, Yaounde, Tbilisi, Mexico City, and more. Developers.Institute curriculum uses a hybrid online and in-person approach to learning. Students of both full-time and part-time courses meet on campus for in-person instruction and online training. Bootcamp instructors are industry professionals who bring experience from the field into the classroom. Students have lifetime access to all course materials, which are available through an online learning platform. Learn more about Developers.Institute.Anaïs Herbillon
5Graduate • Course: The Data Analyst Bootcamp • Tel Aviv
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Says: Amazing school and bootcamp
I just finished a Data Analyst course in Developers Institute and I am really glad I chose this school. The class are super accurate, we were learning up-to datI just finished a Data Analyst course in Developers Institute and I am really glad I chose this school. The class are super accurate, we were learning up-to date skills that employers are looking for. All the teachers are extremely patient and have no problem reexplaining you if you did not understand, also after class-time. Beyond that all the team is like a big family and every member of it dedicates a lot of time in helping you individually finding a job and making the most out of this course. Highly recommend! - 0Reviews5CoursesKMMX IT Training Center offers 8 to 22-week part-time courses in full stack web and game development in Mexico City, Mexico. KMMX’s culture stimulates innova... Learn more about KMMX IT Training Center.KMMX IT Training Center offers 8 to 22-week part-time courses in full stack web and game development in Mexico City, Mexico. KMMX’s culture stimulates innovation with courses focused on Python and JavaScript. Their mission is to increase the intellectual capital of clients by providing professional training services that allow students to produce, apply and manage information and knowledge. Courses consist of 3 or more modules, each one focused on covering basic aspects to much more advanced concepts, taught by experienced industry technologists. Learn more about KMMX IT Training Center.