10 Best Coding Bootcamps in Lisbon
Code for All_
4.87390Reviews3CoursesFounded in Portugal in 2015, Code for All_ is a social impact startup that offers 14-week intensive and immersive Full Stack Programming Bootcamps. Students ... Learn more about Code for All_.Founded in Portugal in 2015, Code for All_ is a social impact startup that offers 14-week intensive and immersive Full Stack Programming Bootcamps. Students are guided through the course by a team of instructors who are graduates of the bootcamp. Code for All_ describes their teaching methods as "peculiar" and aimed at training students to write clean code. Learn more about Code for All_.Juan Carlos
5Graduate • Course: 14-Week Intensive & Immersive Full-Stack Programming Bootcamp • Porto
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Says: A experience to go through
Great feeling when it's done, how these challenges shape your way of thinking to solve different problems. Engaging in these exercises not only sharpens your prGreat feeling when it's done, how these challenges shape your way of thinking to solve different problems. Engaging in these exercises not only sharpens your problem-solving skills but also instils a sense of accomplishment. The structured approach to tackling diverse challenges each week broadens your perspective and enhances your adaptability. It's amazing to see how each challenge contributes to personal growth, fostering creativity and resilience. Overall, it's an enriching experience that not only improves technical prowess but also moulds you into a more resourceful and confident individual.Le Wagon
4.963465Reviews16CoursesBrussels, Paris, Bordeaux, Lille, Amsterdam, London, Lisbon, Nantes, Montreal, Berlin, Lyon, Tokyo, Shanghai, Marseille, Bali, Melbourne, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Barcelona, Rennes, Zurich, Madrid, Lausanne, Singapore, Munich, Dubai, Santiago, Nice, Cologne, Casablanca, Mauritius, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Online, Porto, Cape Town, Toulouse, SydneyLe Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wa... Learn more about Le Wagon.Le Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wagon also offers part-time courses in Web Analytics, Python Machine Learning, Growth Data Automation, and Data Analytics Essentials. Le Wagon is aimed at individuals seeking to change careers or acquire specific skills. Le Wagon’s training has helped more than 18,000 students accelerate their careers, transition into tech, or launch startups. Le Wagon was founded in 2013 in Paris, and now has in-person campuses in over 40 cities and 25 countries. Learn more about Le Wagon.Dany TSAN
5Graduate • Course: Data Science & AI Bootcamp - Full-time • Marseille
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Says: Super pour acquérir des skills en Data Science
Superbe expérience au Wagon. Pour celles et ceux qui cherchent un bootcamp efficace, je ne peux que conseiller sans réserve le Wagon. Avec toutes les offres quiSuperbe expérience au Wagon.
Pour celles et ceux qui cherchent un bootcamp efficace, je ne peux que conseiller sans réserve le Wagon.
Avec toutes les offres qui existent sur le marché c'est compliqué de s'y retrouver !
Alors pourquoi ?
Comme vous avant, j'ai cherché sur le web une formation sérieuse pour apprendre les bases de Data Science.
Une journée type au wagon
- Tous les matins nous avons un cours
- Exo tout le long de la journée où l'on peut demander de l'aide à un prof (j'insiste sur ce dernier point)
- le soir récap avec un live code
- petit bonus, en fin de bootcamp, il y a un projet à monter en équipe(ça c'était vraiment cool)
Mon expérience perso :
Je ne savais même pas ce qu'était Python avant de commencer !
Mon objectif était de monter en compétence grâce à la compréhension technique de l'IA et de la science des données (la partie mathématique).
Je viens de 19ans de commerce et de marketing et je voulais apprendre à automatiser mes recherches de data pour gagner en performance.
La formation est très intense et assez difficile, je ne le cache pas.
Si vous êtes du genre à être humble, à accepter de ne pas comprendre des fois, à demander de l'aide et si vous êtes bosseur alors cette formation est faite pour vous !
A la fin de ce bootcamp, je sais coder, je sais corriger mes problèmes et je sais monter un projet de A et Z en toute confiance et en parfaite autonomie.
Je ne cache pas que j'ai eu des moments de doutes mais j'ai continué à travailler et à demander de l'aide quotidiennement au prof.
J'insiste sur ce point car c'est vraiment le point fort de ce bootcamp.
D'ailleurs les profs sont très compétents, bienveillants et pédagogues. C'est totalement insane.
On n'est jamais seul, toujours une personne pour vous aider, vous accompagner à trouver la réponse.
Le service administratif est très présent pour vous soutenir tout du long de votre formation.
C'était un batch d'été 2024 en petit groupe de 7.
J'ai vécu une très très belle expérience.
J'espère que ma review permettra à d'autres de se lancer dans l'aventure et à prendre un ticket pour le prochain Wagon.Ironhack
4.791074Reviews8CoursesIronhack offers full-time and part-time bootcamps in Web Development, UX/UI design, Data Analytics and Cyber Security in Miami (Florida), Madrid and Barcelon... Learn more about Ironhack.Ironhack offers full-time and part-time bootcamps in Web Development, UX/UI design, Data Analytics and Cyber Security in Miami (Florida), Madrid and Barcelona (Spain), Paris (France) Mexico City (Mexico), Berlin (Germany), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Sao Paulo (Brazil), Lisbon (Portugal) and remotely. Ironhack uses a customized approach to education by allowing students to shape their experience based on personal goals. Students who graduate from the Web Development Bootcamp will be skilled in technologies like JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3. The UX/UI program covers Design Thinking, Photoshop, Sketch, Balsamiq, InVision, and JavaScript. Data Analytics covers data wrangling/cleaning, APIs, web scraping, and intermediate topics in Git, MySQL, Python, Data visualization, Panda, and Machine Learning. The Data Analytics program allows students to load, clean, explore and extract valuable insights from datasets and cultivate languages, such as Python, SQL and Tableau. The Cyber Security course provides students with the hands-on skills they need to land a job in the growing cybersecurity industry. In the Cyber Security course, students will develop the most in-demand knowledge to be part of any company's cybersecurity workforce and become a cybersecurity professional. Learn more about Ironhack.Carmen Suarez-Llanos5Graduate • Course: UX/UI Design Bootcamp (Full-Time) • Lisbon
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Says: Unique experience with Ironhack Lisbon's on-site bootcamp
I don't even know where to start describing the experience of the last 9 weeks in the IN-PERSONtial UX/UI design bootcamp at Ironhack Lisbon. The quality of theI don't even know where to start describing the experience of the last 9 weeks in the IN-PERSONtial UX/UI design bootcamp at Ironhack Lisbon. The quality of the training program is unbeatable. The professionals who make up the teaching staff are of the highest level, both as teachers and as human beings. The kindness and closeness, as well as the positivism in the low moments of such an intense experience, have made that, time after, I still feel moved when I remember them. Moreover, the on-site experience of the course has been crucial for me. I could not imagine it in any other format. The quality of the transmission of the contents, as well as the coexistence with the teaching team and the rest of my classmates, both in my course and those of WebDev and Data Analysis, would not have been of such a high level and would not have exceeded my expectations if it had not been in a face-to-face format. I highly recommend this formula. It feels like a summer camp and you feel it when you leave, but in this case you don't just take friends for life, you change your professional life forever. I miss you all!ITUp
4.7833Reviews1CourseITUp offers an 8-12 week, immersive, Turn Up Boot Camp focused on web development both online and in-person at campuses in Lisbon, Singapore, Amsterdam, and ... Learn more about ITUp.ITUp offers an 8-12 week, immersive, Turn Up Boot Camp focused on web development both online and in-person at campuses in Lisbon, Singapore, Amsterdam, and Sydney. This OutSystems training bootcamp will teach students web development foundations and how to develop OutSystems web apps. Students will learn how to master an OutSystems development module simulating a real-life project development. ITUP instructors are proficient, and the teaching staff includes 6 OutSystems MVPs, with an average of more than 12 years of teaching experience. Graduates are certified as OutSystems Associate Developers. ITUP has certified over 4,000 OutSystems Professionals worldwide since 2016. Learn more about ITUp.Lucas Martins5Graduate • Course: Turn Up Boot Camp • Lisbon
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Says: OutSystems Deep Learning Experience
I recently graduated from the Turn Up Bootcamp, and I will start by telling you that I could not imagine how much I would be learning there. In only two months,I recently graduated from the Turn Up Bootcamp, and I will start by telling you that I could not imagine how much I would be learning there. In only two months, I learned more than enough to obtain the knowledge to get a great mark in the Associate Reactive Developer OutSystems Certification, and I gained project experience, both in a group and alone. Furthermore, I learned valuable skills besides OutSystems technologies, such as SQL and Data Structures and Algorithms. All the staff: trainers, HR, and coordination were always very helpful and very easy to talk to, enhancing the experience of the bootcamp! I am now really excited for the opportunities that will come with my new skillset!- 91Reviews4CoursesWild Code School is a 5-month, European training program teaching in-demand digital skills through a blended learning approach. Wild Code School was created ... Learn more about Wild Code School.Wild Code School is a 5-month, European training program teaching in-demand digital skills through a blended learning approach. Wild Code School was created to train digital professionals to adapt to the changing work environment. The teaching style uses a combination of e-learning, in-class training, and hands-on projects where students master agile project management methods and other collaborative tools. Students are taught web development languages and application frameworks that vary from program to program. For example: PHP/Symfony, JavaScript, AngularJS, Vue.js, React or Java and Android. Learn more about Wild Code School.Carlos M.
5Student • Course: Data analysis • Lisbon
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Says: Recommend this school.
Highly recommend WCS. I was able to learn different skills (soft and technical) and at the end finally got a job.The curriculum is complete and will give you plHighly recommend WCS. I was able to learn different skills (soft and technical) and at the end finally got a job.
The curriculum is complete and will give you plenty of ideas to improve companies work methods. 4Geeks Academy
4.85159Reviews7Courses4Geeks Academy is a coding bootcamp offering part-time and full-time coding software engineering, cybersecurity, and AI/machine learning bootcamps in Miami a... Learn more about 4Geeks Academy.4Geeks Academy is a coding bootcamp offering part-time and full-time coding software engineering, cybersecurity, and AI/machine learning bootcamps in Miami and Orlando, Toronto, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, and Remote/Online. 4Geeks Academy provides a blended education model leveraging two proven formats: part-time training and flipped classroom. Learn more about 4Geeks Academy.Flavia Fernández Olivera5Graduate • Madrid
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Says: El método funciona, sales muy bien preparada
Mi experiencia ha sido muy positiva, fueron meses muy intensos donde me enfoqué 100% y tuvo su recompensa, ayudó mucho sentirme acompañada durante todo el proceMi experiencia ha sido muy positiva, fueron meses muy intensos donde me enfoqué 100% y tuvo su recompensa, ayudó mucho sentirme acompañada durante todo el proceso y también después! En la búsqueda laboral Mel Zwanck me ayudó tanto que aún sigo guardando sus consejos y además tenemos la suerte de poder seguir contactando con el equipo si necesitamos algo. Una vez dentro del mundo laboral tech me di cuenta que sales muy bien preparada en comparación con otros bootcamps, te enseñan herramientas técnicas pero también soft skills. Podrás defenderte perfectamente en tu primer trabajo si te dejas aconsejar y confías en el método de la academia. Acabé ya hace unos meses y hace otros tantos que estoy trabajando como programadora, entonces puedo decir con seguridad que recomiendo 4geeks.- 6Reviews1CourseCEI Escuela de Diseño, a 7-month full stack JavaScript programming bootcamp with campuses in Madrid, Seville, Spain, and Lisbon, Portugal. The coding bootcam... Learn more about CEI Escuela de Diseño.CEI Escuela de Diseño, a 7-month full stack JavaScript programming bootcamp with campuses in Madrid, Seville, Spain, and Lisbon, Portugal. The coding bootcamp covers HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and PHP7 languages designed for web development and classes are taught in Spanish. CEI Escuela de Diseño (Center for Innovation Studies) was founded in 1991 as a 21st Century Digital Design School. CEI Escuela de Diseño classes are small, and flexible financing options are available for students, ranging from total tuition fees paid upfront to payment plans (direct debit or fractionation arrangements) ranging from 3 months up to 10 months. Learn more about CEI Escuela de Diseño.
4.01Reviews2CoursesEDIT offers part-time, 3-to 6-month courses in web development, digital marketing, UX/UI design, and mobile development in Porto and Lisbon, Portugal and Mad... Learn more about EDIT.EDIT offers part-time, 3-to 6-month courses in web development, digital marketing, UX/UI design, and mobile development in Porto and Lisbon, Portugal and Madrid, Spain. EDIT provides students with individual and group projects, case study analysis, workshops, and inside knowledge from tutors, guest speakers, and renowned professionals in the web and digital industry. EDIT focuses on the needs of the job market, aiming to give students a modern and competitive education. Learn more about EDIT.- 0Reviews6CoursesiXperience is a credit-bearing, study-abroad career accelerator program for university students based in Cape Town, Lisbon, Tel Aviv, and Berlin, in partners... Learn more about iXperience.iXperience is a credit-bearing, study-abroad career accelerator program for university students based in Cape Town, Lisbon, Tel Aviv, and Berlin, in partnership with the University of Virginia. iXperience offers a 6-week iX learn and intern program, which combines blended learning courses with interning experiences taught by industry experts in full stack coding, data science, visual design, product management, management consulting, cloud computing, digital marketing, or investment finance. The program begins with a week of Global Studies, followed by two weeks of classroom learning, and finishing up with three weeks of work experience at a local company with support from teaching staff. Class sizes are limited to 25 students with help from hands-on teaching assistants to ensure that complex concepts are grasped. Outside of class, students can explore their host city, with planned excursions like food tours, surfing, diving, hiking, sailing, and cultural immersions. Modern accommodation is provided and located near vibrant restaurants, cafes and public transport. Learn more about iXperience.
- 0Reviews2CoursesUP Academy offers 3-to-6-month courses in full-stack web development in Lisbon, Portugal. The coding bootcamp equips students with in-demand technological sk... Learn more about UP Academy.UP Academy offers 3-to-6-month courses in full-stack web development in Lisbon, Portugal. The coding bootcamp equips students with in-demand technological skills through real-world projects, acquisition of hard and soft skills, continuous learning, and professional development. Up Academy offers courses for adults aged 18 to 30 with logical and mathematical reasoning skills, who want to convert their knowledge into a technological area. Applicants do not need to have programming skills, but good mathematical reasoning and knowledge of English. The application process includes an interview, personality test, and logical reasoning tests. Learn more about UP Academy.