7 Best Coding Bootcamps in Munich
Le Wagon
4.963465Reviews16CoursesBrussels, Paris, Bordeaux, Lille, Amsterdam, London, Lisbon, Nantes, Montreal, Berlin, Lyon, Tokyo, Shanghai, Marseille, Bali, Melbourne, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Barcelona, Rennes, Zurich, Madrid, Lausanne, Singapore, Munich, Dubai, Santiago, Nice, Cologne, Casablanca, Mauritius, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Online, Porto, Cape Town, Toulouse, SydneyLe Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wa... Learn more about Le Wagon.Le Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wagon also offers part-time courses in Web Analytics, Python Machine Learning, Growth Data Automation, and Data Analytics Essentials. Le Wagon is aimed at individuals seeking to change careers or acquire specific skills. Le Wagon’s training has helped more than 18,000 students accelerate their careers, transition into tech, or launch startups. Le Wagon was founded in 2013 in Paris, and now has in-person campuses in over 40 cities and 25 countries. Learn more about Le Wagon.Dany TSAN
5Graduate • Course: Data Science & AI Bootcamp - Full-time • Marseille
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Says: Super pour acquérir des skills en Data Science
Superbe expérience au Wagon. Pour celles et ceux qui cherchent un bootcamp efficace, je ne peux que conseiller sans réserve le Wagon. Avec toutes les offres quiSuperbe expérience au Wagon.
Pour celles et ceux qui cherchent un bootcamp efficace, je ne peux que conseiller sans réserve le Wagon.
Avec toutes les offres qui existent sur le marché c'est compliqué de s'y retrouver !
Alors pourquoi ?
Comme vous avant, j'ai cherché sur le web une formation sérieuse pour apprendre les bases de Data Science.
Une journée type au wagon
- Tous les matins nous avons un cours
- Exo tout le long de la journée où l'on peut demander de l'aide à un prof (j'insiste sur ce dernier point)
- le soir récap avec un live code
- petit bonus, en fin de bootcamp, il y a un projet à monter en équipe(ça c'était vraiment cool)
Mon expérience perso :
Je ne savais même pas ce qu'était Python avant de commencer !
Mon objectif était de monter en compétence grâce à la compréhension technique de l'IA et de la science des données (la partie mathématique).
Je viens de 19ans de commerce et de marketing et je voulais apprendre à automatiser mes recherches de data pour gagner en performance.
La formation est très intense et assez difficile, je ne le cache pas.
Si vous êtes du genre à être humble, à accepter de ne pas comprendre des fois, à demander de l'aide et si vous êtes bosseur alors cette formation est faite pour vous !
A la fin de ce bootcamp, je sais coder, je sais corriger mes problèmes et je sais monter un projet de A et Z en toute confiance et en parfaite autonomie.
Je ne cache pas que j'ai eu des moments de doutes mais j'ai continué à travailler et à demander de l'aide quotidiennement au prof.
J'insiste sur ce point car c'est vraiment le point fort de ce bootcamp.
D'ailleurs les profs sont très compétents, bienveillants et pédagogues. C'est totalement insane.
On n'est jamais seul, toujours une personne pour vous aider, vous accompagner à trouver la réponse.
Le service administratif est très présent pour vous soutenir tout du long de votre formation.
C'était un batch d'été 2024 en petit groupe de 7.
J'ai vécu une très très belle expérience.
J'espère que ma review permettra à d'autres de se lancer dans l'aventure et à prendre un ticket pour le prochain Wagon.- 145Reviews6CoursesConstructor Academy is a technology education hub that offers full stack coding and data science bootcamps online and in-person at campuses in Zurich, Munich... Learn more about Constructor Academy.Constructor Academy is a technology education hub that offers full stack coding and data science bootcamps online and in-person at campuses in Zurich, Munich, and Bremen. Committed to excellence in education, Constructor Academy equips students with everything they need to succeed in today's fiercely competitive digital world. Meticulously crafted by industry professionals, their curriculum ensures alignment with current trends and best practices used in the industry today. Students gain hands-on experience with advanced technologies and tools, preparing them for real-world challenges. Experienced instructors and industry mentors adeptly guide students, offering valuable insights and networking opportunities. Learn more about Constructor Academy.Valdilene Siqueira
5Student • Course: Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) • Munich
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Says: An Invaluable Learning Experience
The Bootcamp is an excellent place to start if you're a beginner looking for a comprehensive and well-structured introduction to full-stack web development. It'The Bootcamp is an excellent place to start if you're a beginner looking for a comprehensive and well-structured introduction to full-stack web development. It's a very intense 3 months of learning with daily practice and some team projects. The instructors and assistants are always available and helpful. From the first call until after the end of the BootCamp, the whole team is committed to helping you achieve your goals.
- 3Reviews1CourseTabit Coding Bootcamp is a free, intensive, 8-week program based in Munich, Germany. Tabit Coding Bootcamp teaches Java, SCRUM Methodology, Integrated Develo... Learn more about Tabit Coding Bootcamp.Tabit Coding Bootcamp is a free, intensive, 8-week program based in Munich, Germany. Tabit Coding Bootcamp teaches Java, SCRUM Methodology, Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), source control, development of Application Program Interfaces (APIs), and cloud computing services (e.g., AWS) as well as soft-skills like effective communication and consulting practices. Mentors for the course are senior developers and architects of Tabit GmbH. Participants need to pass two tests to qualify for graduation. For successful enrollees, the tuition is free of charge, and a serviced apartment is provided, along with food supplies, while enrolled in the program. Learn more about Tabit Coding Bootcamp.Julio Rosli
5Graduate • Course: Coding Bootcamp • Munich
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Says: Tabit Coding Bootcamp, great place to learn and jumpstart a new career in Germany!
The bootcamp simulates a software development team that is working on a project based on a real life scenario. All participants will form a SCRUM team and exThe bootcamp simulates a software development team that is working on a project based on a real life scenario. All participants will form a SCRUM team and experiece a full cycle of a software project. They will experience SCRUM meetings and tackles all the project complexities that grow as the project progress.I learned a lot. Not only programming skills (frameworks, tools, best practices, testing, design patterns, etc). but also how to work as a team. Since programming is a team sport, I believe it is very important to be able to integrate to an existing team. The participant will be evaluated as a team and as an individual.Unfortunately the bootcamp is not for people with 0 knowledge about programming. The bootcamp will not teach you how to create an array or a list in Java. But it will transform people with programming knowledge to be a software developer.I am glad that I took my chance to join the bootcamp and leave my country for an adventure in Germany. Now I am starting my new career as a softwareentwicker in Munich. Everything that I learned are being used in my current project. 4Geeks Academy
4.85159Reviews7Courses4Geeks Academy is a coding bootcamp offering part-time and full-time coding software engineering, cybersecurity, and AI/machine learning bootcamps in Miami a... Learn more about 4Geeks Academy.4Geeks Academy is a coding bootcamp offering part-time and full-time coding software engineering, cybersecurity, and AI/machine learning bootcamps in Miami and Orlando, Toronto, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, and Remote/Online. 4Geeks Academy provides a blended education model leveraging two proven formats: part-time training and flipped classroom. Learn more about 4Geeks Academy.Flavia Fernández Olivera5Graduate • Madrid
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Says: El método funciona, sales muy bien preparada
Mi experiencia ha sido muy positiva, fueron meses muy intensos donde me enfoqué 100% y tuvo su recompensa, ayudó mucho sentirme acompañada durante todo el proceMi experiencia ha sido muy positiva, fueron meses muy intensos donde me enfoqué 100% y tuvo su recompensa, ayudó mucho sentirme acompañada durante todo el proceso y también después! En la búsqueda laboral Mel Zwanck me ayudó tanto que aún sigo guardando sus consejos y además tenemos la suerte de poder seguir contactando con el equipo si necesitamos algo. Una vez dentro del mundo laboral tech me di cuenta que sales muy bien preparada en comparación con otros bootcamps, te enseñan herramientas técnicas pero también soft skills. Podrás defenderte perfectamente en tu primer trabajo si te dejas aconsejar y confías en el método de la academia. Acabé ya hace unos meses y hace otros tantos que estoy trabajando como programadora, entonces puedo decir con seguridad que recomiendo 4geeks.- 33Reviews5CoursesDigital Career Institute (DCI) is a 12-month long coding bootcamp based in Germany with campuses in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Leipzig. The courses are ... Learn more about Digital Career Institute.Digital Career Institute (DCI) is a 12-month long coding bootcamp based in Germany with campuses in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Leipzig. The courses are fully immersive and cover entry-level basics in stack HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. DCI also specialize in technologies like Angular, Node.js, and Databases. DCI was launched as an initiative to integrate refugees into the growing IT industry. Today it is committed to training anyone who wants to pursue a tech career. In addition to coding languages, students will master best practices on platforms like GitHub. They will learn agile project management and development methodologies like SCRUM. Learn more about Digital Career Institute.Antonia
5Graduate • Course: Web Development Course • Berlin
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Says: Best decision
For a long time I was really unhappy with the retail job I had. So I finally decided to step out of my comfort zone and do something completely new, learn how tFor a long time I was really unhappy with the retail job I had. So I finally decided to step out of my comfort zone and do something completely new, learn how to code. I participated in the Web Development course of DCI in Berlin and finally found my true passion. Now I wake up every day and I am excited about what I do, which is the best feeling. I am so happy I made the decision to join DCI. The classes were challenging at times but I felt well supported by the instructors and the great community of students. neue fische
3.8921Reviews8Coursesneue fische is a leading provider for tech bootcamps in Germany, and offers 12-week bootcamps in Web Development, Java, Data Science, Data Analytics, and AWS... Learn more about neue fische.neue fische is a leading provider for tech bootcamps in Germany, and offers 12-week bootcamps in Web Development, Java, Data Science, Data Analytics, and AWS Cloud Development online and in person at campuses in Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Frankfurt. With neue fische's Select-Train-Connect approach, they offer an innovative training path for selected participants who want to find their way into an IT profession within three months. Classes are taught in German or in English. Students learn through exercises, projects, homework, and group work. Towards the end of the three-month bootcamp, students build an individual final project to demonstrate their new skills to employers. Learn more about neue fische.Enrico Schulz
5Applicant • Course: Java Development Online • Cologne
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Says: Erstklassiges Konzept
Es war mein erstes Camp bei den Fischen, aber insgesamt meine 5 Schulungserfahrung in ähnlicher Durchführung. Die neuen fische waren mit Abstand die OrganisatioEs war mein erstes Camp bei den Fischen, aber insgesamt meine 5 Schulungserfahrung in ähnlicher Durchführung.
Die neuen fische waren mit Abstand die Organisation, die am besten aufgestellt, organisiert und thematisch versiert sind.
Der anhaltende Fokus auf Teamwork, das Konzept des "Crosscoachings" mit einen Hauptchoach und weiteren Coaches die themenspezifisch Gastcoachings gehalten haben, haben den gesamten Kurs sehr rund gemacht.
Es gab keine Frage, zu keiner Zeit die irgendwie unbeantwortet geblieben ist.
Auch wenn es den Namen Bootcamp mit jeglicher Berechtigung trägt, weil dort tatsächlich sehr viel Wissen, ultra kompakt vermittelt wird, war es das Beste was mir je passieren konnte!AW Academy
4.437Reviews4CoursesAW Academy offers a 12-week, intensive bootcamps in C#/.Net, Java, JavaScript, Cybersecurity, and Salesforce as well as other upskilling training opportuniti... Learn more about AW Academy.AW Academy offers a 12-week, intensive bootcamps in C#/.Net, Java, JavaScript, Cybersecurity, and Salesforce as well as other upskilling training opportunities through its pedagogical platform, The AW Academy Way. The bootcamps are offered in-person in Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Munich, Hamburg, and online. Since 2015, over 1,700 individuals have changed their careers or upskilled through AW Academy’s training programs and modules. AW Academy bootcamps are instructor-led and taught in Swedish. Learn more about AW Academy.Fredrik Bergqvist
5Graduate • Course: C#.Net Intensive Bootcamp • Stockholm
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Says: C# .NET Fullstack Bootcamp
I took the 12w + 4w pre-studies bootcamp course of C# .NET Fullstack Dev education.Best choice professionally i've made!The setup was a hybrid solution so it waI took the 12w + 4w pre-studies bootcamp course of C# .NET Fullstack Dev education.
Best choice professionally i've made!
The setup was a hybrid solution so it was free choice to either attend online or attend in the physical classroom on Campus.
I did a bit of both and regret not spending more time on Campus. If you got the chance to sit there, do it!
Awesome teachers!
Awesome premises!