25 Best Coding Bootcamps in Madrid
4Geeks Academy
4.85159Reviews7Courses4Geeks Academy is a coding bootcamp offering part-time and full-time coding software engineering, cybersecurity, and AI/machine learning bootcamps in Miami a... Learn more about 4Geeks Academy.4Geeks Academy is a coding bootcamp offering part-time and full-time coding software engineering, cybersecurity, and AI/machine learning bootcamps in Miami and Orlando, Toronto, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, and Remote/Online. 4Geeks Academy provides a blended education model leveraging two proven formats: part-time training and flipped classroom. Learn more about 4Geeks Academy.Flavia Fernández Olivera5Graduate • Madrid
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Says: El método funciona, sales muy bien preparada
Mi experiencia ha sido muy positiva, fueron meses muy intensos donde me enfoqué 100% y tuvo su recompensa, ayudó mucho sentirme acompañada durante todo el proceMi experiencia ha sido muy positiva, fueron meses muy intensos donde me enfoqué 100% y tuvo su recompensa, ayudó mucho sentirme acompañada durante todo el proceso y también después! En la búsqueda laboral Mel Zwanck me ayudó tanto que aún sigo guardando sus consejos y además tenemos la suerte de poder seguir contactando con el equipo si necesitamos algo. Una vez dentro del mundo laboral tech me di cuenta que sales muy bien preparada en comparación con otros bootcamps, te enseñan herramientas técnicas pero también soft skills. Podrás defenderte perfectamente en tu primer trabajo si te dejas aconsejar y confías en el método de la academia. Acabé ya hace unos meses y hace otros tantos que estoy trabajando como programadora, entonces puedo decir con seguridad que recomiendo 4geeks.The Bridge
4.73103Reviews14CoursesThe Bridge is a digital talent accelerator that offers cybersecurity, cloud & devOps, data science, UX/UI product design, full stack web development and ... Learn more about The Bridge.The Bridge is a digital talent accelerator that offers cybersecurity, cloud devOps, data science, UX/UI product design, full stack web development and digital marketing bootcamps both remotely and at its headquarters in Madrid, Valencia, Bilbao and Seville, Spain. Full-time bootcamps are 16 weeks long and the part-time programs are 26 weeks long. During The Bridge bootcamps, students get access from O’Reilly content and have the chance to work with people in the other bootcamp programs for a multidisciplinary approach. The Bridge’s goal is to teach students everything they need to know to excel in a technical career. Learn more about The Bridge.Daniel Vigo5Student • Course: Cybersecurity Full Time • Madrid
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Says: Bootcamp Ciberseguridad
Claustro inmejorable, contenido excelente. El bootcamp superó mis expectativas: aprendí mucho en poco tiempo gracias a instructores expertos y proyectos prácticClaustro inmejorable, contenido excelente.
El bootcamp superó mis expectativas: aprendí mucho en poco tiempo gracias a instructores expertos y proyectos prácticos desafiantes.
4.7265Reviews11CoursesKeepCoding offers 10-month, part-time online bootcamps in mobile development, web development, big data and machine learning, and a 4-week Python bootcamp in... Learn more about KeepCoding .KeepCoding offers 10-month, part-time online bootcamps in mobile development, web development, big data and machine learning, and a 4-week Python bootcamp in Madrid, Spain. Courses focus on learning technical skills for a startup environment where students learn software development skills, as well as how to create a business plan and seek funding. The 10-month bootcamps are taught via video conferencing, and Madrid-based students have the option of scheduling face-to-face sessions with instructors. The curriculum was created by developers and entrepreneurs for developers and entrepreneurs. Learn more about KeepCoding .Carlos Gutiérrez5Student • Course: Ciberseguridad Full Stack Bootcamp • Madrid
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Says: Cybersecurity Bootcamp
Acabo de terminar el bootcamp de ciberseguridad en Keepcoding. Ha sido una experiencia magnífica de aprendizaje y evolución personal.Muy recomendable por sus prAcabo de terminar el bootcamp de ciberseguridad en Keepcoding. Ha sido una experiencia magnífica de aprendizaje y evolución personal.
Muy recomendable por sus profesionales y metodologías de enseñanza.NEOLAND
4.7350Reviews5CoursesNEOLAND offers 10-week full-time and 20-week part-time digital bootcamps in UX/UI Design, Data Analytics, Full Stack Web Development, and Cybersecurity in Ma... Learn more about NEOLAND .NEOLAND offers 10-week full-time and 20-week part-time digital bootcamps in UX/UI Design, Data Analytics, Full Stack Web Development, and Cybersecurity in Madrid, Spain, or live online. NEOLAND courses are taught by industry professionals with numerous years of experience and training. The methodology at NEOLAND is based on learning by doing. Class content includes working on code problems, lectures, individual and group projects, code reviews, and various group activities. NEOLAND also offers master classes that are taught by active professionals, where students can learn and expand their network. Learn more about NEOLAND .Giulia Guglielmetti
5 • Course: UX/UI Design Bootcamp • Madrid
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Says: UX/UI Bootcamp - Best experience of my life
I can't even find an adjective to describe how much I am grateful for this course. I've attended the Full-time UX/UI Bootcamp and it's more than worth it. RaúlI can't even find an adjective to describe how much I am grateful for this course. I've attended the Full-time UX/UI Bootcamp and it's more than worth it. Raúl Marín, your future UX teacher, without exaggerating is the most interesting person I've ever had the pleasure to listen, learn from and collaborate with. You will finish this course with tons of projects ( We did UI challenges, Medium articles, 3 group projects and 1 person and more!) a gigantic amount of information and the help and support 24/7 of a great teacher. When I say 24/ I mean it! Is not just a course that once you are done, you say goodbye and that's it. There is a full team ready to help you and support even once the course is done. I a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y recommend it ♥️
Nuclio School
4.59246Reviews2CoursesNuclio School is a digital training school based in Spain, and courses are held online and in-person at campuses in Barcelona and Madrid. Nuclio offers Maste... Learn more about Nuclio School.Nuclio School is a digital training school based in Spain, and courses are held online and in-person at campuses in Barcelona and Madrid. Nuclio offers Master’s programs in Data Science, Digital Product Management, UX/UI Design, Full Stack Development, Blockchain, Digital Marketing, and more. Courses are offered in English and Spanish. Nuclio School offers small, collaborative classes taught by tech sector professionals. Learn more about Nuclio School.Miguel Angel Navalon
5Student • Online
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Says: Master fullstack
Yo her cursado el master de full stack de la promoción de febrero de este año y solo puedo valorar positivamente la decisión que tomé de apuntarme a Nuclio. A dYo her cursado el master de full stack de la promoción de febrero de este año y solo puedo valorar positivamente la decisión que tomé de apuntarme a Nuclio. A destacar el itinerario lectivo pero sobretodo la calidad de las clases que son TODAS en directo y la magnífica atención y dedicación del profesoradoCodenotch
4.9739Reviews3CoursesCodenotch hosts 12-week full-time, and 6-month part-time web and mobile Development bootcamps in Madrid, Spain which focus on teaching students how to think ... Learn more about Codenotch.Codenotch hosts 12-week full-time, and 6-month part-time web and mobile Development bootcamps in Madrid, Spain which focus on teaching students how to think like software engineers. Codenotch teaches MySQL, Ionic, Angular.JS, MongoDB, Express.JS, CSS3, HTML5, Full Stack Javascript, and Node.JS, utilizing the latest Agile software development methods. Each class at Codenotch’s coding bootcamp has a maximum of 16 students with one teacher and an assistant, who monitor the performance of students and adjust to each individual’s learning rate. Most teachers have 10 years or more experience as professional software developers. Codenotch was founded in 2018 as a home for coders where they can learn to program in a variety of indoor and outdoor open spaces ideal for collaboration, creativity, and leisure. Learn more about Codenotch.Octavian Mihai Calin
5Graduate • Course: Web and Mobile Development Bootcamp (Full Time) • Madrid
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Says: Impresionante, Inesperado, Innovador y Aplicable en el día a día
Hola buenas me llamo Octavio y en Octubre de 2023 decidí tomar este Bootcamp después de acabar un grado medio de sistemas y redes. Para ser sincero no me esperaHola buenas me llamo Octavio y en Octubre de 2023 decidí tomar este Bootcamp después de acabar un grado medio de sistemas y redes. Para ser sincero no me esperaba mucho, claramente me esperaba aprender pero no de esta forma y a esta rapidez. Tengo que decir que los profesores tienen bien pensado la manera en la que explican y los horarios que toman para dar clases y dejarte hacer ejercicios. A través del Bootcamp aprendes mucho más que solo la base ya que aprendes conceptos que te ayudan en el futuro si quieres aprender tecnologías nuevas por tu cuenta. Lo recomiendo a cualquier persona que tenga una base en programación y tecnología en si pero si no la tienes no es nada malo pero si que te costará más esfuerzo y más tiempo. Le doy un 8/10 de mi perspectiva pero ahora que en 2024 van a agregar el módulo de React le subiría a 9/10. Vale totalmente la pena si quieres un cambio a tu carrera. En mi caso encontré trabajo en menos de 30 días después de graduarme.Le Wagon
4.963465Reviews16CoursesOnline, Madrid, Brussels, Paris, Bordeaux, Lille, Amsterdam, London, Lisbon, Nantes, Montreal, Berlin, Lyon, Tokyo, Shanghai, Marseille, Bali, Melbourne, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Barcelona, Rennes, Zurich, Lausanne, Singapore, Munich, Dubai, Santiago, Nice, Cologne, Casablanca, Mauritius, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto, Cape Town, Toulouse, SydneyLe Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wa... Learn more about Le Wagon.Le Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wagon also offers part-time courses in Web Analytics, Python Machine Learning, Growth Data Automation, and Data Analytics Essentials. Le Wagon is aimed at individuals seeking to change careers or acquire specific skills. Le Wagon’s training has helped more than 18,000 students accelerate their careers, transition into tech, or launch startups. Le Wagon was founded in 2013 in Paris, and now has in-person campuses in over 40 cities and 25 countries. Learn more about Le Wagon.Dany TSAN
5Graduate • Course: Data Science & AI Bootcamp - Full-time • Marseille
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Says: Super pour acquérir des skills en Data Science
Superbe expérience au Wagon. Pour celles et ceux qui cherchent un bootcamp efficace, je ne peux que conseiller sans réserve le Wagon. Avec toutes les offres quiSuperbe expérience au Wagon.
Pour celles et ceux qui cherchent un bootcamp efficace, je ne peux que conseiller sans réserve le Wagon.
Avec toutes les offres qui existent sur le marché c'est compliqué de s'y retrouver !
Alors pourquoi ?
Comme vous avant, j'ai cherché sur le web une formation sérieuse pour apprendre les bases de Data Science.
Une journée type au wagon
- Tous les matins nous avons un cours
- Exo tout le long de la journée où l'on peut demander de l'aide à un prof (j'insiste sur ce dernier point)
- le soir récap avec un live code
- petit bonus, en fin de bootcamp, il y a un projet à monter en équipe(ça c'était vraiment cool)
Mon expérience perso :
Je ne savais même pas ce qu'était Python avant de commencer !
Mon objectif était de monter en compétence grâce à la compréhension technique de l'IA et de la science des données (la partie mathématique).
Je viens de 19ans de commerce et de marketing et je voulais apprendre à automatiser mes recherches de data pour gagner en performance.
La formation est très intense et assez difficile, je ne le cache pas.
Si vous êtes du genre à être humble, à accepter de ne pas comprendre des fois, à demander de l'aide et si vous êtes bosseur alors cette formation est faite pour vous !
A la fin de ce bootcamp, je sais coder, je sais corriger mes problèmes et je sais monter un projet de A et Z en toute confiance et en parfaite autonomie.
Je ne cache pas que j'ai eu des moments de doutes mais j'ai continué à travailler et à demander de l'aide quotidiennement au prof.
J'insiste sur ce point car c'est vraiment le point fort de ce bootcamp.
D'ailleurs les profs sont très compétents, bienveillants et pédagogues. C'est totalement insane.
On n'est jamais seul, toujours une personne pour vous aider, vous accompagner à trouver la réponse.
Le service administratif est très présent pour vous soutenir tout du long de votre formation.
C'était un batch d'été 2024 en petit groupe de 7.
J'ai vécu une très très belle expérience.
J'espère que ma review permettra à d'autres de se lancer dans l'aventure et à prendre un ticket pour le prochain Wagon.Ironhack
4.791074Reviews8CoursesIronhack offers full-time and part-time bootcamps in Web Development, UX/UI design, Data Analytics and Cyber Security in Miami (Florida), Madrid and Barcelon... Learn more about Ironhack.Ironhack offers full-time and part-time bootcamps in Web Development, UX/UI design, Data Analytics and Cyber Security in Miami (Florida), Madrid and Barcelona (Spain), Paris (France) Mexico City (Mexico), Berlin (Germany), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Sao Paulo (Brazil), Lisbon (Portugal) and remotely. Ironhack uses a customized approach to education by allowing students to shape their experience based on personal goals. Students who graduate from the Web Development Bootcamp will be skilled in technologies like JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3. The UX/UI program covers Design Thinking, Photoshop, Sketch, Balsamiq, InVision, and JavaScript. Data Analytics covers data wrangling/cleaning, APIs, web scraping, and intermediate topics in Git, MySQL, Python, Data visualization, Panda, and Machine Learning. The Data Analytics program allows students to load, clean, explore and extract valuable insights from datasets and cultivate languages, such as Python, SQL and Tableau. The Cyber Security course provides students with the hands-on skills they need to land a job in the growing cybersecurity industry. In the Cyber Security course, students will develop the most in-demand knowledge to be part of any company's cybersecurity workforce and become a cybersecurity professional. Learn more about Ironhack.Carmen Suarez-Llanos5Graduate • Course: UX/UI Design Bootcamp (Full-Time) • Lisbon
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Says: Unique experience with Ironhack Lisbon's on-site bootcamp
I don't even know where to start describing the experience of the last 9 weeks in the IN-PERSONtial UX/UI design bootcamp at Ironhack Lisbon. The quality of theI don't even know where to start describing the experience of the last 9 weeks in the IN-PERSONtial UX/UI design bootcamp at Ironhack Lisbon. The quality of the training program is unbeatable. The professionals who make up the teaching staff are of the highest level, both as teachers and as human beings. The kindness and closeness, as well as the positivism in the low moments of such an intense experience, have made that, time after, I still feel moved when I remember them. Moreover, the on-site experience of the course has been crucial for me. I could not imagine it in any other format. The quality of the transmission of the contents, as well as the coexistence with the teaching team and the rest of my classmates, both in my course and those of WebDev and Data Analysis, would not have been of such a high level and would not have exceeded my expectations if it had not been in a face-to-face format. I highly recommend this formula. It feels like a summer camp and you feel it when you leave, but in this case you don't just take friends for life, you change your professional life forever. I miss you all!UXER School
5.027Reviews6CoursesUXER School offers a full-time, 8-week UX design immersive course in Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia, Spain. The goal of UXER School is to have students expe... Learn more about UXER School.UXER School offers a full-time, 8-week UX design immersive course in Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia, Spain. The goal of UXER School is to have students experience each step of the design and user experience process including research, rapid prototyping, strategic and interaction design, interface design, and user testing. Students will work on team projects to put into practice their learnings and receive feedback from design industry professional mentors who will guide them throughout the course. Learn more about UXER School.- 24Reviews2CoursesIE Data Science Bootcamp offers a full-time (12-weeks) and a part-time (23-weeks) data science program in Madrid, Spain and online. Bootcamp students will ex... Learn more about IE Data Science Bootcamp.IE Data Science Bootcamp offers a full-time (12-weeks) and a part-time (23-weeks) data science program in Madrid, Spain and online. Bootcamp students will experience a full, end-to-end data science project for a real client. The course covers Python, math, statistics, machine learning, data acquisition and visualization, and more. Upon completing the bootcamp, graduates will have learned to acquire, clean, structure, store, manipulate, analyze, and visualize data from diverse sources to answer complex business questions. Graduates will also know how to find patterns, use machine learning and other analytical tools to put into practice across the business world. Learn more about IE Data Science Bootcamp.
5Student • Course: Data Science Bootcamp (Part Time) • Online
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Says: Great experience
A great experience and way to learn about the world of Data Science. Pushed me to be a coder. Having 0 experience I now can problem solve issues with programminA great experience and way to learn about the world of Data Science. Pushed me to be a coder. Having 0 experience I now can problem solve issues with programming I never thought possible 600 moths ago. Upgrade Hub
4.4717Reviews15CoursesUpgrade Hub is a technical skills bootcamp based in Madrid, Spain that offers part-time and full-time intensive courses in Web Development, Data Analytics, C... Learn more about Upgrade Hub.Upgrade Hub is a technical skills bootcamp based in Madrid, Spain that offers part-time and full-time intensive courses in Web Development, Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, Digital Marketing (Paid Media SEO), Front End Development, UX/UI Design, and BIM. Classes are taught either online or in-person in Madrid. The curriculum for each bootcamp is designed in collaboration with employers so that graduates are employable and have specific skills that employers are seeking. Mentors at Upgrade Hub are working professionals who teach via a “learning by doing” methodology. Expect to face real-world problems and challenges while building digital projects. Learn more about Upgrade Hub.Shubham kumar
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Says: Good Bootcamp Experience
I had a wonderful experience with upGrad , classes are wonderful and connnecting. soft skill sessions are enhancing and job portal also provides wondeful job cI had a wonderful experience with upGrad ,
classes are wonderful and connnecting.
soft skill sessions are enhancing and job portal also provides wondeful job companies
ID Bootcamps
5.013Reviews9CoursesID Bootcamps offers multiple bootcamp options including Programming and Full Stack Web Development, Data Science and Machine Learning, Cybersecurity and Ethi... Learn more about ID Bootcamps.ID Bootcamps offers multiple bootcamp options including Programming and Full Stack Web Development, Data Science and Machine Learning, Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking, DevOps, Development of Mobile Applications (iOS and Android), and UX/UI Design and Product Management. All ID Bootcamps may be taken as full-time (12 weeks) or part-time (36 weeks). Students may choose to take any bootcamp either online or in Madrid, Spain. Remote bootcamp classes take place over live stream. Learn more about ID Bootcamps.- 6Reviews1CourseCEI Escuela de Diseño, a 7-month full stack JavaScript programming bootcamp with campuses in Madrid, Seville, Spain, and Lisbon, Portugal. The coding bootcam... Learn more about CEI Escuela de Diseño.CEI Escuela de Diseño, a 7-month full stack JavaScript programming bootcamp with campuses in Madrid, Seville, Spain, and Lisbon, Portugal. The coding bootcamp covers HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and PHP7 languages designed for web development and classes are taught in Spanish. CEI Escuela de Diseño (Center for Innovation Studies) was founded in 1991 as a 21st Century Digital Design School. CEI Escuela de Diseño classes are small, and flexible financing options are available for students, ranging from total tuition fees paid upfront to payment plans (direct debit or fractionation arrangements) ranging from 3 months up to 10 months. Learn more about CEI Escuela de Diseño.
Core Code School
4.867Reviews2CoursesCore Code School offers a 12-week, full-time and a 20-week part-time Web Development bootcamp in Madrid, Spain and online. Focusing on cloud native coding sk... Learn more about Core Code School.Core Code School offers a 12-week, full-time and a 20-week part-time Web Development bootcamp in Madrid, Spain and online. Focusing on cloud native coding skills and a deploy-first approach, the Web Development bootcamp ensures students graduate as both software engineers and experts in delivering code using production infrastructure like Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud, with skills covering from serverless deployments to Kubernetes cluster management. Learn more about Core Code School.Álvaro Lucas Cuevas5Graduate • Online
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Says: Big Data & Machine Learning Bootcamp
Sin duda alguna, un bootcamp que merece la pena hacer, bien sea para aprender sobre la materia en cuestión (ya que está planteado para que puedan hacerlo genteSin duda alguna, un bootcamp que merece la pena hacer, bien sea para aprender sobre la materia en cuestión (ya que está planteado para que puedan hacerlo gente que no tenga conocimientos en informática), como para personas que si tengan conocimientos y desean profundizar más en dicha materia y que suponga un reto para ellos.
El bootcamp está bien estructurado, partiendo de lo más básico hasta el objetivo final, que es hacer uso de diferentes algoritmos de Machine Learning con grandes cantidades de datos, los cuales, se han tenido que obtener, limpiar, procesar y preparar para poder pasárselos al algoritmo.
En todas las clases se mandan ejercicios para afianzar los conocimientos adquiridos durante la clase, y así, ir construyendo tu base de conocimientos de una forma estable. Todo lo que necesites hacer al final, lo habrás dado en el camino.
En cuanto a los profesores, ha sido un placer. Muy buenas explicaciones y con ejercicios en directo. Si había algún problema con lo que se había dado (no se entendía del todo algo o te quedas atascado en algún ejercicio), siempre podías preguntar y te orientaban para resolver el ejercicio. Si era un fallo de comprensión en cuanto a la teoría, se preocupaban de explicártelo de forma que pudiesen entenderlo.
Es un bootcamp que merece la pena, tanto por el conocimiento que aprendes como por los profesores que lo imparten. Aun teniendo en cuenta todas las facilidades que ofrecen, hay que dedicarle tiempo y tener interés en aprender, y es algo que avisan desde el principio. El campo de Big Data y Machine Learning es complejo, y es necesario un esfuerzo por la parte del estudiante, además de constancia a la hora de hacer los ejercicios y acudir a clases.CampusBoream
4.255Reviews1CourseCampusBoreum offers a 16-week program in Madrid that focuses on developing coding skills in an active, project-oriented environment. Boreum is a Spanish-spea... Learn more about CampusBoream.CampusBoreum offers a 16-week program in Madrid that focuses on developing coding skills in an active, project-oriented environment. Boreum is a Spanish-speaking school. In the Advanced Full-Stack Developer Bootcamp, students learn HTML5, CSS3, SaaS, Gulp, Javascript, ES6, Angular, Typescript, Redux, NodeJS, MongoDB, Docker, Restful API, and Heroku. Learn more about CampusBoream.Javier
5Graduate • Course: Full Stack Developer Advanced • Madrid
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Says: Grandes profesionales
Ha sido una experiencia muy buena, en Boream hay muy buenos profesionales y grandes personas. Nunca imaginé lo que pude llegar a aprender en 4 meses de bootcampHa sido una experiencia muy buena, en Boream hay muy buenos profesionales y grandes personas. Nunca imaginé lo que pude llegar a aprender en 4 meses de bootcamp. Ha sido muy duro pero al fin y al cabo una buena experiencia, lo recomiendo.
ISDI Coders
4.9994Reviews3CoursesISDI Coders offers a 16-week, part-time Front End Web Development with JavaScript & Firebase bootcamp and an 11-week, full-time Web Development Bootcamp ... Learn more about ISDI Coders.ISDI Coders offers a 16-week, part-time Front End Web Development with JavaScript Firebase bootcamp and an 11-week, full-time Web Development Bootcamp with JavaScript in-person at campuses in Barcelona and Madrid, Spain and online. ISDI Coders students receive professional mentorship and build job-relevant projects. Learn more about ISDI Coders.Nacho Losada5Graduate • Course: Web Development Bootcamp with Javascript - Barcelona • Barcelona
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Says: Don't be afraid to change your life!
It's been a very long time since i wanted to learn programming, but life never goes as planned. Loads of years later, the moment arrived: I was very upset withIt's been a very long time since i wanted to learn programming, but life never goes as planned. Loads of years later, the moment arrived: I was very upset with my past job and decided to leave. "-It's now or never!"
I had to move fast to find the ideal place to learn, It was THE moment and I mustn't let it go. So I moved forward, and met Gerard. He told me how ISDI Coders changed almost a thousand lives introducing them in the tech wheel and how was possible to learn that much in 3 months.
It was hard to believe, but I believed him at first indeed.
Then, at this moment, frightened, I decided to change my life. And now, a couple of months later, I have my first web developer job.
ISDI Coders changed my life ;)- 41Reviews4CoursesUbiqum Code Academy is an immersive technical education institution, offering intensive programs in Data Analytics & Machine Learning and Full Stack Web ... Learn more about Ubiqum Code Academy.Ubiqum Code Academy is an immersive technical education institution, offering intensive programs in Data Analytics Machine Learning and Full Stack Web Development. With its headquarters in Barcelona, Spain, and a robust online presence, Ubiqum caters to aspiring professionals globally. Ubiqum Code Academy doesn’t just teach skills; they cultivate expertise, nurture careers, and empower individuals to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of technology and innovation. Learn more about Ubiqum Code Academy.
Roshan Kumar Bhuyan
5Student • Course: Data Analytics & Big Data, Full Time Onsite • Berlin
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Says: Data Science
I was doing my masters' degree in Space engineering and I was unhappy as I didn't find anything that kept me interested and devoted. I had tried a few things inI was doing my masters' degree in Space engineering and I was unhappy as I didn't find anything that kept me interested and devoted. I had tried a few things in data science and tried to self-learn but I realized quickly that the initial learning curve in this was really steep. I have heard people use the phrase for data science - "It's easy, It's not Rocket science", but having studied rocket science as well, i found out that data science was not easy.
Browsing through hundreds of online courses and trying to learn from thousands of resources I was overwhelmed by the ever-changing and ever upgrading field of Data Science.
I needed some structure and a beginners level course which was a challenge to find.
I came across the data science course offered by Ubiqum and decided to enroll in it.
Their “learn by doing”methodology really focused on the practical aspects of data science which helped in greatly reducing the steep initial learning curve. Having said about the practical aspects, theoretical aspects are not forgotten either and the mentors discuss all the theory before, during and after every task.
The projects are designed in such a way that the difficulty levels up with every subsequent project and this helped me build up a very strong base.
I now have completed many projects at Ubiqum and ventured deep into the domain of data science and I would like to thank Ubiqum to provide me with the catapult which helped me launch myself into a career in data science. Code Institute
4.18143Reviews5CoursesCode Institute is an online coding bootcamp offering a FullStack Software Development diploma. The diploma program is part-time with a flexible framework tha... Learn more about Code Institute.Code Institute is an online coding bootcamp offering a FullStack Software Development diploma. The diploma program is part-time with a flexible framework that takes 52 weeks to complete. As a global coding educator, Code Institute’s courses offer learners the skills and support to change careers and advance more quickly. The bootcamp is university credit-rated and industry-aligned so students get the credentials to get hired anywhere in the world. Code Institute combines high-quality content, technology, analytics and support to facilitate learners’ success. At Code Institute, students are guaranteed a superior learning experience and personalised support system to achieve success and land their first role in web development. Learn more about Code Institute.Soroush Gholamreza
5Graduate • Course: Diploma in Full Stack Software Development & Specializations • Online
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Says: A Comprehensive and Career-Boosting Experience
As a recent graduate of Code Institute, I can confidently say that this program has been a game-changer for me. The curriculum is well-structured, covering everAs a recent graduate of Code Institute, I can confidently say that this program has been a game-changer for me. The curriculum is well-structured, covering everything from the fundamentals to advanced topics in full-stack development, with a strong focus on practical, real-world projects. The instructors are knowledgeable and supportive, always available to answer questions and provide guidance when needed.
What really stood out to me was the support system. From the mentors who provided valuable feedback to the dedicated tutor support and the active Slack community, I felt supported every step of the way. The career services were also exceptional, providing me with the tools and confidence needed to enter the job market.
I would highly recommend this program to anyone looking to make a career change into tech.Coders Lab
5.040Reviews5CoursesCoders Lab is a global chain of IT schools founded in Poland in 2013 offering bootcamps in Python development and JavaScript development. Coders Lab has camp... Learn more about Coders Lab.Coders Lab is a global chain of IT schools founded in Poland in 2013 offering bootcamps in Python development and JavaScript development. Coders Lab has campuses in Austria, Czech Republic, Indonesia, Poland, Romania, Spain, and online. The bootcamp can be taken full-time, part-time, or remote. Coders Lab’s instructors are experienced developers with a passion for coding. Learn more about Coders Lab.Anastasja5Graduate • Course: Manual Tester • Warsaw
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Says: Tester in Coders Lab
I am very satisfied with the Tester course. The mentor conveys his knowledge very well and backs it up with examples from his years of professional experience.I am very satisfied with the Tester course. The mentor conveys his knowledge very well and backs it up with examples from his years of professional experience. He was able to answer all my questions related to testing. Preparation for the exam was also at a high level. I do recommend it!- 15Reviews11CoursesGeeksHubs Academy is a coding school that offers 10- and 12-week bootcamps in Full Stack Development, Agile Project Management, Product Design, DevOps, Cyber... Learn more about GeeksHubs Academy.GeeksHubs Academy is a coding school that offers 10- and 12-week bootcamps in Full Stack Development, Agile Project Management, Product Design, DevOps, Cybersecurity, and more. The full-time Full Stack Development bootcamp is taught in-person. The part-time Agile Project Management, Product Design, DevOps, Cybersecurity bootcamps are taught live online. Learn more about GeeksHubs Academy.
4.9213Reviews3CoursesHACK A BOSS is a Spain-based technology company offering 16-week bootcamps in web development and data science & AI live online and at hybrid campuses ac... Learn more about HACK A BOSS.HACK A BOSS is a Spain-based technology company offering 16-week bootcamps in web development and data science AI live online and at hybrid campuses across Spain. Remote bootcamps are offered online for the entirety of Spain. The mission of HACK A BOSS is finding, generating, and developing the best technological talent in Spain and around the world. In addition to technical skills, HACK A BOSS helps students develop their soft skills, learn to work collaboratively on code, develop projects, expand their portfolio, and network with companies. Learn more about HACK A BOSS.Cristhian Medrano Bonora
5Graduate • Course: Web Development Bootcamp • Online
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Elegí el curso de full stack porque me encanta programar y ¡la verdad es que no me arrepiento! Todo fue muy fácil desde el principio, la gente que me atendió fuElegí el curso de full stack porque me encanta programar y ¡la verdad es que no me arrepiento! Todo fue muy fácil desde el principio, la gente que me atendió fue súper amable y me ayudaron con todo. Los profes, Pablo y Luis, son unos cracks. Saben muchísimo y te lo explican de una forma que cualquiera entiende. Con mi experiencia previa en informática y tecnología, puedo asegurar que las peronas que trabajan en HACK A BOSS son auténticos profesionales.EDIT
4.01Reviews2CoursesEDIT offers part-time, 3-to 6-month courses in web development, digital marketing, UX/UI design, and mobile development in Porto and Lisbon, Portugal and Mad... Learn more about EDIT.EDIT offers part-time, 3-to 6-month courses in web development, digital marketing, UX/UI design, and mobile development in Porto and Lisbon, Portugal and Madrid, Spain. EDIT provides students with individual and group projects, case study analysis, workshops, and inside knowledge from tutors, guest speakers, and renowned professionals in the web and digital industry. EDIT focuses on the needs of the job market, aiming to give students a modern and competitive education. Learn more about EDIT.- 0Reviews6CoursesIMMUNE Technology Institute is a technological center in Madrid, Spain that offers a three-year Computer Entrepreneurship Program, and 12- and 18-week intens... Learn more about IMMUNE Technology Institute.IMMUNE Technology Institute is a technological center in Madrid, Spain that offers a three-year Computer Entrepreneurship Program, and 12- and 18-week intensive bootcamps in programming and web development, data science, cybersecurity, DevOps cloud computing, and UX/UI design. The programs can be completed online or in-person at IMMUNE's campus in the tech and financial hub of Madrid. IMMUNE students will receive hands-on training and collaboration with corporate partners. IMMUNE also offers masters and executive management programs in Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Architecture DevOps Management. Learn more about IMMUNE Technology Institute.
- 0Reviews4CoursesThe Valley Business & Tech School is a training provider offering online and in person, part-time Master programs in Full Stack Web Development (30 week... Learn more about The Valley Business & Tech School.The Valley Business Tech School is a training provider offering online and in person, part-time Master programs in Full Stack Web Development (30 weeks), UI/UX Design (24 weeks), Digital Project Management (16 weeks), and Data Science, AI, Big Data Analytics (40 weeks) to students in Spain, Chile, Colombia, and the Canary Islands. Students will complete real world projects to give them hands-on experience in the topics they cover. The Valley Business Tech School also offers specialization programs and online microlearning programs for people who are looking to upskill. Learn more about The Valley Business Tech School.
- 0Reviews6CoursesUniversidad Europea offers 14-week, full-time hybrid learning Masters Bootcamps in UX/UI design, web analytics, full stack web development, data science, dig... Learn more about Universidad Europea.Universidad Europea offers 14-week, full-time hybrid learning Masters Bootcamps in UX/UI design, web analytics, full stack web development, data science, digital marketing, and project management. Learn more about Universidad Europea.